Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies in the summer in the ground for beginner florists

Lush and delicate peony has rightfully become one of the most favorite flowers of Russian gardeners. White, pink, burgundy, blue and even black peonies are unpretentious to care for and will decorate any garden or cottage. Growing a flower garden will not take much effort, especially if you plant it in accordance with all the rules. Next, we will consider in detail when to plant peonies in open ground and what tips to follow.

Is it possible to plant peonies in summer

Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies in the summer in the ground for beginner florists

Peonies are planted in spring and summer. For spring planting, purchased peonies in bags are chosen, they are placed on the site from the end of April to the end of May.

Peonies in containers are planted in a flower garden until mid-summer. If we are talking about division and transplanting your own flowers, then any summer day in August is suitable for this procedure.

The advantage of summer planting is that the plant is placed in well-heated ground. Young flowers can freeze in spring, especially in the northern regions of the country.

The summer event has no drawbacks; the main thing is to observe the agrotechnical features of the procedure and take into account the climatic conditions of the region.

Important! If you plant peonies at the end of summer, before the onset of the first frost, they will take root and have time to prepare for wintering. Already in late spring or early summer, the flower will delight with its flowering.

Dates of summer planting of peonies

Suitable dates for planting flowers in the ground are June and July. When choosing a day, gardeners take into account not so much the date on the calendar as the weather conditions.

The best option is a dry and warm day without wind or precipitation. Also, there should be no intense heat and scorching sun - this will harm perennial flowers. According to the rules, boarding is carried out in the early morning until 8 o'clock or in the evening after 19:00.

Auspicious days

When choosing auspicious days, many summer residents are guided by the lunar calendar. It shows which dates are best for planting flowers. This is due to the position of the moon in the sky and other natural nuances.

In 2020 favorable dates - July 28-31 and August 1, 21-23, 31... It is believed that it is on these days that the plants take root faster on the site and are less likely to get sick.

How to choose a site for planting

Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies in the summer in the ground for beginner florists

Peonies are perennial flowers, so summer residents choose a place for planting thoughtfully and for a long time. Otherwise, the peonies will not bloom, you will have to transplant them to a new place. And this harms the immunity of the plant and its root system.

Flowers are not grown near the paths - the shrub grows strongly and interferes with the passage. Also, flower beds near fences and houses are not suitable.

Favorable conditions for peonies

Flowers are unpretentious and take root in any soil. It can be clay, sandy, mixed soil. However, it is better to add biohumus to the soil before planting and dig it up well. Peat, sawdust, compost will not interfere with flowers.

Organic matter nourishes the soil and makes it more fertile. On such a land, the peony will take root perfectly and will delight you with lush flowering. A place for planting is chosen sunny or with diffuse penumbra. Winds are acceptable but not desirable.

Barberry, decorative onions, daffodils and tulips. These plants are planted by summer residents in one flower bed - an original and colorful flower garden is obtained.

Unfavorable neighborhood for peonies - violets, lilies, lilies of the valley and roses. These plants deplete the soil, which can lead to the death of other flowers.

Important! Peonies are not planted after honeysuckle, roses, gooseberries and raspberries. At least 2 years should pass from the moment of harvesting these crops from the site. But you can plant peonies after greenery or legumes - this will not harm the future flower garden.

Use in landscape design

Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies in the summer in the ground for beginner florists

Landscape designers recommend planting plants with smaller inflorescences next to peonies.... It can be flowers of white, blue, yellow, red colors. Peonies go well with any shade.

Flowers are grown in round, square or tiered flower beds - it depends on the gardener's idea. It is recommended that other flowers continue to bloom after the peonies have finished blooming. The flower bed should not be empty.

Also, different varieties of peonies are not planted on the same flower bed. It is better to decorate the flower garden with chrysanthemums, lilies or asters. Peonies look interesting in the center of the lawn or in rock gardens.

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Preparing the landing site

2 months before planting, holes are prepared for flowers with a depth of 60 cm. Previously, the land is cleared of debris and plant residues, dug up and fertilized with organic fertilizing. After that, wood ash and superphosphate are added to the pit. As a result, the hole should be filled so that about 12 cm remains to the edge.

If the soil is acidic, add dry lime - it reduces the acidity level of the soil.

It is important to observe the interval between peony bushes of 1 m, otherwise large inflorescences will obscure each other and prevent lush flowering.

Preparation of planting material

For planting, two-year-old seedlings with a height of 20-25 cm are chosen. It is better to buy them in specialized nurseries, flowers are sold in containers, pots, packages. Summer residents examine the roots; they should not have rot, stains or plaque.

Yellowing or blackening of the seedling is also unacceptable - this speaks of diseases and weak immunity. Before planting, peonies are soaked in a growth stimulator. The drug strengthens the root system, so that the flowers take root faster on the site.

Important! Experienced growers do not advise buying overdried seedlings with dried or blackened buds. Sellers can assure that the buds will wake up, but it is better not to risk it and immediately purchase a healthy seedling.

How to plant peonies correctly

Planting peonies in the ground in summer is a simple procedure even for novice florists. The main thing is to study all the requirements and nuances in advance.

Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies in the summer in the ground for beginner florists

Step-by-step instruction

After preparing the land and treating the roots with a growth stimulator, they begin to plant the plants on the site:

  1. A small mound is poured in the center of the hole.
  2. A rhizome is placed there and gently spread to the sides.
  3. The buds of the bush are positioned so that they are at a distance of 5 cm from the ground surface.
  4. Sprinkle the roots with loose and dry earth.
  5. Water the plant under the root with warm clean water.

Mistakes to Avoid

A common mistake of summer residents is the deepening of the flower at a distance of more than 5 cm. Because of this, the roots rot, the buds do not bloom. There is nothing left but to transplant the flower to a new location.

In addition to this mistake, gardeners make the following:

  • choose weak and obviously sick specimens;
  • do not fertilize the soil with organic matter;
  • do not clean debris and weeds;
  • forget to water the peonies after planting or allow excess water;
  • dig a hole of insufficient depth.

Planting nuances for different types of peonies

Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies in the summer in the ground for beginner florists

There are tree-like and herbaceous peonies. Arborescents grow in bushy form on tall and firm stems. Plant height - up to 1 m, flower diameter - up to 30 cm.

When planting tree peonies, make sure that the root collar is 15 cm below ground level.They love such flowers, partial shade and places protected from the winds. The roots of the treelike peony need abundant watering, they can grow up to 2-3 m in length.

Herbaceous peonies are distinguished by strong roots and soft stems up to 1.5 m high and lush foliage.

Before planting, the soil is fertilized with bone meal and superphosphate, the last layer consists of refined sand.

After the plant is mulched with peat or manure to protect the roots from external adverse factors. At the end, it is important to be sure to compact the ground with your hands.

For different regions

Peonies take root well in all regions of the country. However, in the north, it is better to pre-fertilize the hole with a mixture of superphosphate (100 g), vermicompost (80 g), wood ash (100 g) and peat (50 g). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed on the bottom of the pit.

Such feeding protects flowers in case of a sharp drop in temperature. Also, after planting, the flower garden is sprinkled with organic or decorative mulch. It protects against insect pests.

In the south, pay attention to the fact that the flower garden is not located under the rays of the scorching sun. Better to place it in partial shade. Otherwise, the flowers will have to be constantly watered, which will lead to rotting of the root system and the death of the entire plant.

Further care

Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies in the summer in the ground for beginner florists

Further care for the peony flower garden consists of standard agrotechnical procedures. Peonies are watered as the soil dries up - once every 7-10 days, depending on the region.

Gardeners recommend heating the water in the sun, since cold water provokes the development of fungal and infectious diseases. Before the procedure, the soil is loosened and cleaned of weeds. Loosening depth - no more than 5 cm, otherwise the root system can be damaged.

Attention! It is imperative to inspect the flower garden for pests. Flies and ticks love to feast on young leaves. If an insect is found, the bush is dug up and the root system is examined. The peony is burned. If there are no traces of damage, they try to reanimate the plant - they treat it with Fitosporin and plant it back.

The first feeding of peonies consists of potassium sulfate (25 g) or ammonium nitrate (20 g). The funds are scattered around the bush, after having loosened the soil. After the peony is watered to avoid chemical burns of the roots.

After 3-4 weeks, the plants are sprayed with a solution of 100 g of sugar, 100 g of yeast and 10 liters of warm water. The mixture is left for 2 hours, and then used as a preventive measure against pests.

Experienced gardening tips

In order for peonies to quickly take root in the garden and delight summer residents with their appearance and wonderful aroma, it is recommended to follow the following tips:

  1. Prepare the land 2 months before planting. This should be a well-lit, sunny area, away from marshy areas.
  2. Buy seedlings only in proven places. Before buying, inspect the planting material - there should be no rot, stains, or traces of insects on it.
  3. Choose a dry and warm day for planting. Do not plant a flower in the rain or in strong winds.
  4. Observe the rules of the neighborhood and plant peonies away from roses and violets. It is also not recommended to build a flower bed where raspberries or honeysuckle used to grow.
  5. After planting and after each watering, mulch the peonies with chips or river sand. This will give the flower garden a well-groomed look and protect the plant from insects.


Peonies are planted in partial shade, after digging up the ground and adding organic fertilizers to it - peat, vermicompost, manure. The depth of the planting hole is about 60 cm, the distance between the bushes is at least 1 m.

For planting, choose healthy two-year-old seedlings with a height of 20-25 cm. They are placed in a hole, straighten the roots and sprinkle with loose earth. After it is poured abundantly with water heated in the sun and mulched. Further care of the flower garden - regular watering and feeding, loosening and preventive treatments.

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