Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

Honeysuckle diseases are increasingly attacking plants in gardens across the country. This is due to the growing popularity of the shrub. Infections enter the site along with the planting material, spread by insects and weeds. Weather conditions are also important.

Diseases affecting culture are effectively treated only in the early stages of development. Therefore, it is important to learn how to determine what honeysuckle is sick with, how to prevent infections and treat them. Read on for more details.

Honeysuckle diseases: description and treatment

There are many diseases of honeysuckle. They have different symptoms, causes and pathogens.... Treatment for different diseases will also vary.

If the honeysuckle plantings have acquired an unusual appearance, they began to look more lethargic, signs of developmental delay have appeared, this indicates a disease. It is important to determine what kind of infection affected the plant, and only then use the drugs.


Rust - fungal disease... Infected plants lose their crops, lose their foliage, and tolerate cold snaps worse.

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

Bulging red spots appear on diseased plants... When the pustules crack, a rusty powder spills out. This is the spore of the fungus.

They are stored in plant residues, so the latter must be collected and burned in the fall. The risk of infection is significantly increased when honeysuckle grows near pine forests.

For the treatment of rust on honeysuckle, fungicides and agents containing copper are used... Before processing, diseased leaves are torn off.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew - the most common disease of honeysuckle... The leaves are covered with white velvety spots, which eventually blur and cover the entire plate. Then they take on a brown tint. Spots also appear on stems, berries and inflorescences.

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

Without treatment, the greens shrink and dry out, the fruits fall off... The bush does not grow, it becomes more sensitive to cold snaps. The chances that he will successfully endure the winter are diminishing.

Powdery mildew is caused by a fungal infection. It is carried by insects, wind, it gets to the site with planting material. Spores are dormant in the soil for a long time until they are activated.:

  • stagnant moisture;
  • rare watering;
  • low temperatures (+ 15 ... + 25 ° С);
  • partial or complete shading;
  • temperature fluctuations.

how get rid of powdery mildew on fruit and decorative (honeysuckle) honeysuckle:

  1. Application of fungicides Is the most efficient way. Despite this, many gardeners try not to resort to it, since the drugs accumulate in the berries. Fungicides include drugs such as Vectra, Cumulus, etc.
  2. Antifungal agents... They are less dangerous to human health and do not accumulate in fruits, but their effectiveness is also lower. The most popular antifungal agents are considered to be a solution of copper sulfate (1 tablespoon per bucket of water), a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, "Fitosporin".
  3. Folk remedies... This is the most harmless method of dealing with the disease, but it is effective at an early stage of infection. Apply an iodine-milk solution. To prepare it, take 2 liters of milk and 30 drops of iodine on a bucket of water. The rest of the volume is topped up with water.

When treating powdery mildew, first cut off all affected parts of the plant... Places of cuts are sprinkled with ash.The contaminated plant material is burned. After that, the plants are sprayed with the drug, continuing the treatment until the disease disappears.

Prevention is considered planting honeysuckle in a well-lit area, processing planting material, spring pruning, timely watering, loosening the soil. Do not forget about preventive treatment. To do this, the shrub is sprayed from July to September with a solution of potassium permanganate, and the soil around is watered with boiling water.

Important! In order for the plant to survive the winter, it is mulched and covered with spunbond.


Chlorosis is one of the most common diseases. There are many reasons for its occurrence.:

  • Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest controlfungi;
  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • lack of trace elements;
  • heredity.

Chlorosis expressed in the blanching of the leaves. White spots and stripes appear on the affected plates... This leads to shredding of leaf plates and stopping plant development due to impairment of photosynthesis.

For disease prevention in the spring, the soil around the honeysuckle is disinfected with boiling water, copper sulfate or fungicides. Attention is removed by adhering to the fertilizing schedule, destroying pests, disinfecting garden tools.

To get rid of the disease, they bring complex feeding containing iron and various minerals. If new leaves without signs of disease have not begun to appear, the plant is treated with antifungal agents.

It can be useful:

Honeysuckle care steps in autumn to prepare for winter

When and how to prune honeysuckle in the fall


Why do honeysuckle leaves turn black? This symptom is the main symptom of cercospora. This the disease is dangerous in that it leads to drying out and folding of the leaves... It occurs when honeysuckle is affected by a fungal infection.

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

With cercosporosis, honeysuckle leaves are covered with small round spots... At first they have an olive tint, over time they acquire a gray-green or brown color. In wet weather, a black rash appears on the back of the leaf plate - these are spores of the causative agent of the disease. They are found in the soil and infect the plant in spring, when factors such as cold snaps, temperature drops, and high humidity are expressed.

On the site, the disease is spread by insects, infected planting material, weeds... To prevent cercosporosis, honeysuckle is sprayed with copper sulfate in early spring. It is important to remove fallen leaves and plant sediments in the fall, and weed and mulch the soil around the plant in the spring and summer.

If the infection has already hit the honeysuckle, they fight in the following ways:

  • spray the plants with Bordeaux liquid;
  • treat the bushes with a soap-copper solution (for its preparation in a bucket of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. copper sulfate and 1 piece of grated laundry soap);
  • use "Fundazol".

Before processing plantings, remove all affected leaves... Plants are sprayed weekly until signs of disease disappear.

Council.Any processing of plants is recommended to be done in dry weather, in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not active.


Ramulariasis, or white spot, - another possible answer to the question of what honeysuckle is sick with... The causative agent of the disease is a fungus. If untreated, it leads to leaf fall from the plant, weakening of the root system and death of the plant.

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

The first symptoms appear in early spring. The disease is recognized by the following signs:

  • grayish-brown irregular specks appear on the leaves with white markings in the center;
  • gradually the spots grow and become covered with a whitish powder;
  • the infection spreads to the petioles, stems and pericarp.

The fungus hibernates in the soil on plant debris... Its development is activated by high humidity and low temperatures.

The main methods of prevention are considered tillage of the soil around the plants with copper sulfate or potassium permanganate, removal of plant residues in the garden in autumn, adherence to the irrigation schedule, loosening of the soil.

The treatment of the plant is as follows:

  1. Spraying preparations with copper-containing preparations. Usually a solution of copper sulfate is used (1 tbsp. L. Per bucket of water).
  2. Fungicide treatment Fundazol. It is used if other means do not help.
  3. Folk remedies... An effective solution is prepared from 2 kg of ash, 1 bar of laundry soap and 1 bucket of water. It is insisted for 2 days.

Processing is carried out in dry weather... Before this, all affected leaves are cut off from the honeysuckle.

Blackening shoots

Blackening of shoots is a common disease. It leads to drying out of leaves and branches. Reduces plant frost resistance... The disease is caused by a parasitic fungus.

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

Symptoms of blackening shoots:

  • a black soot-like bloom appears on leaf plates and shoots;
  • leaves dry up and curl up into a tube;

The fungus infects plants with weakened immunity... To prevent contamination, honeysuckle provides timely watering and feeding. In the spring, they must carry out sanitary pruning, removing dry stems.

To cure the disease, the affected stems are removed... They are taken away from the site and burned. Cutting places are treated with garden pitch. The plant is sprayed with antifungal medications containing copper.

Read also:

When and how to plant honeysuckle in fall

Transplanting honeysuckle to a new location


European cancer is caused by a fungal infection... It gets damaged on the branches and shoots of honeysuckle. Leads to falling foliage and drying of branches.

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

Cancer symptoms:

  • leaves on honeysuckle turn brown and lethargic;
  • grayish spots appear on the tops of branches and shoots;
  • in the center of the formations on the shoots, brown or dark gray moist ulcers with black hairs are noticeable.

The disease often develops in regions with a warm climate. The highest risk of infection is with high humidity and fluid stagnation.

To reduce the risk of contracting honeysuckle, it is important follow the rules of watering, loosen the soil and mulch it, and remove and burn the affected shoots.


Tuberculosis is the main reason why honeysuckle leaves turn red. is he leads to drying out not only of leaves, but also of plant branches... Without timely treatment, the bush dies. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus.

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

The symptoms of tuberculariosis:

  • red bumps form on the shoots;
  • the infection affects neighboring branches and penetrates the bark of the plant, manifesting itself as red bumps;
  • in July, honeysuckle leaves and shoots curl and dry up.

The fungus is present in the bark of the plant in the form of mycelium and fruit bodies... The cycle of infection of new branches repeats itself constantly.

For prevention in early spring, plants are sprayed preparations containing copper (copper oxychloride, Bordeaux liquid). Sanitary pruning is mandatory.

If the plant is sick, the affected branches are removed and burned... Cutting points are treated with ash or garden pitch. In order to prevent the spread of the disease, plants are sprayed with copper products.

Leaf spot

Leaf spot - a fungal infection that affects honeysuckle in summer... It leads to premature fall of foliage and fruits, disruption of photosynthesis.

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

Recognize leaf spot by the following features:

  • orange or yellow spots with bright red borders are formed on both sides of the leaf plate;
  • a group of black dots appears in the central part of the spots;
  • the spots darken and acquire a brown tint;
  • greens with edible and decorative honeysuckle fall off prematurely.

The fungus hibernates on withered branches and fallen leaves... In order to prevent the development of spotting, preventive pruning is carried out in the spring, and the fallen leaves are removed and burned in the fall.

To combat the disease, the following means are used:

  • "Mancozeb";
  • copper oxychloride;
  • Bordeaux liquid.

Before processing the affected greens are cut off and burned.


Razuha mosaic - nematode-borne viral disease... Manifested by bushiness on young cuttings. The affected branches are distinguished by shortened internodes, awakened air buds, and many new shoots. Diseased leaves become underdeveloped, become smaller, which leads to a gradual drying out of the plants.

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest control

Viral diseases are not treatable... All that can be done for a diseased plant is pruning diseased branches.

Attention! The best prevention of viral diseases is considered to be the choice of immune varieties of honeysuckle.

Mottling leaves

Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest controlLeaf mottling - another viral disease spread by nematodes... Arcuate spots and brown streaks appear on the leaves of affected plants. Greens turn yellow. This leads to the death of plants.

What to do if the characteristic brown spots appear on the leaves of honeysuckle? Infected branches are pruned... If the disease has managed to affect the entire bush, it is dug up completely to prevent the spread of infection to neighboring plants.

To prevent the disease, in the spring they carry out a sanitary cut... It is equally important to follow the fertilization schedule.

Honeysuckle pests

Pests are no less dangerous than diseases. They feed on leaves, sap and fruits of plants. Many insects carry infections.

Who eats honeysuckle:

  1. Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest controlHoneysuckle fingerfly (photo on the right). The pest caterpillar lives in the fruits of honeysuckle, feeding on their pulp and seeds. To combat fingerwing, use the drug "Eleksar".
  2. Mite... A cobweb on honeysuckle is the main sign of a plant damage by a pest. The mites themselves are small, four-legged, brown in color. They feed on plant sap. When infected with ticks, the leaves turn red, wither and dry out. To combat the pest, use the drug "Firoverm" or dandelion decoction.
  3. Aphid... Small light green flies feed on leaf sap. This leads to their wilting and drying out. They fight aphids with the help of folk remedies (wormwood decoction, soap solution) or purchased preparations, for example, "Fufanon".
  4. Shields... They feed on the juice of the shoots. The larvae of the pest hatch from the eggs in the spring and crawl along the tree trunk. Later they lose mobility, become covered with a hard shell and remain under it until the end of their lives. 1.5-2 months after the formation of the shield, the pest lays the larvae, which remain under the shell, feeding on the sap of the plant. Scabbards often cause the death of honeysuckle. For the prevention and control of pests, special preparations are used, for example, "Rogor".
  5. Striped sawfly... The caterpillar of this insect, gray-green with black dots on its back, feeds on leaves, gnawing holes in them. To get rid of the pest, the plant is sprayed with the "Decis" preparation.
  6. Description and treatment of honeysuckle diseases and pest controlLeaf roll (photo on the right). Caterpillars of leafworm moths feed on young leaves and plant buds. For pest control use the drug "Kemifos".
  7. Leaf miner... The insect resembles a small fly with a yellow body and dark transparent wings. The pest gnaws holes in the leaves, feeding on the juice. Dry brown stripes form on the leaf blades. The pest leads to premature leaf fall and a deterioration in the decorative value of honeysuckle. To combat it, use the drug "Eleksar".
  8. Speckled moth... Long green caterpillars feed on leaves. They settle on the inside of the leaf plate in transparent oval-shaped film mines. The attack of moths leads to drying out and curling of leaves, as well as their premature fall. To eliminate the pest, honeysuckle is sprayed with "Fufanon" in spring and late summer.


In most cases, unnatural changes in the leaves or branches of honeysuckle indicate its defeat by diseases or pests. Before you start using purchased drugs, you should correctly identify the disease by comparing its signs with the symptoms described.

The treatment of many diseases is problematic. The agents used to fight infection often reduce the sustainability of the crop. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules of prevention in order to prevent infection.

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