How to properly feed currants and gooseberries in spring

For stable fruiting and development, currant and gooseberry bushes need a supply of nutrients. Plants get the main vitamins and minerals from the soil - that is why it is so important to fertilize the soil when planting, check it for acidity.

Gardeners do not forget about fertilizers and in the process of growing berries - 2-3 times a summer they feed shrubs with root and foliar methods. Nutrient powders and mixtures accelerate fruit ripening, making them juicier and sweeter. In the article, we will consider how to fertilize currants and gooseberries in spring, summer and autumn.

Types of dressings for currants and gooseberries

How to properly feed currants and gooseberries in spring

There are several types of dressings. The first classification includes root and foliar. The first ones are brought into the ground, under the roots or in the tree trunk circle of the plant. They are aimed at the development of shrubs and fruits, stimulate the ripening of currants and gooseberries. The second includes spraying and treatment with preventive and protective agents, their purpose is to prevent the appearance of diseases and pests.

According to the composition, organic, mineral, complex and organomineral fertilizers are distinguished:

  • the first group contains organic compounds (compost, humus, ash);
  • mineral - trace elements (for example, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus);
  • complex combines organic and mineral components;
  • organomineral feeds are based on humic acids treated with mineral compounds (for example, sodium or ammonium humate);
  • micronutrient fertilizers - they contain one nutrient (copper, manganese, iodine).

Attention! There are ready-made dressings and mixtures prepared by hand. In the second case, it is important to observe proportions. An excess of mineral and organic substances is just as dangerous as a deficiency.

Top dressing of currant and gooseberry bushes in spring for a good harvest

How to properly feed currants and gooseberries in spring

In March, gooseberries and currants prefer nitrogen fertilizers. They stimulate the development and growth of green mass, help shrubs to recover and gain strength after winter. With a lack of nitrogen, the berries grow poorly, the leaves quickly die off and fall off. Young bushes are fertilized with urea - 40 ml for each plant.

From the fourth year, the amount is reduced to 25 ml per bush. In the northern regions of the country, shrubs are fertilized in early April, since spring comes later. Infusion of bird droppings or slurry is used. To enhance the effect, wood ash is added to the liquid mixture.

In May, it is recommended to fertilize plantings with mineral complex fertilizers. To prepare the mixture, take 1 tbsp. ammonium nitrate, 3 tbsp. superphosphate, 1.5 tbsp. potassium chloride. All components are mixed and filled with 10 liters of clean water. The prepared solution is enough for 2 bushes. Fertilizer is applied to the groove dug near the plant.

Often at the end of spring, currant and gooseberry leaves turn yellow, which indicates a lack of boron. In this case, gardeners spray the shrubs with boric acid. The solution will require 10 liters of water 5 and ml of acid. To make the berries grow larger and sweeter, the plant is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This is done at the beginning of flowering.

Fertilization in summer during fruiting

Summer currants and gooseberry fertilized in early June, when the berries begin to ripen. Until June 10, mineral fertilizing is applied that does not contain nitrogen.Summer residents use potassium humate or calcium nitrate - thanks to them, the berries grow juicy and sweet, they are large in size.

To strengthen the root system of the plant, a mixture of 30 g of urea, 20 g of copper sulfate, 2 g of potassium permanganate is added to the first feeding. The ingredients are mixed and diluted with 10 L of water. The bushes are sprayed in cloudy, calm or dry weather. It is not recommended to process them if the bright sun is shining - sunburn will remain on the leaves.

How to properly feed currants and gooseberries in spring

After 3 weeks, when the berries are already ripe, it is recommended to feed with potato peels. Their remains are dried and ground into powder using a blender. The resulting mixture is diluted in water and sprayed with shrubs. Powder from potato peel protects against common crop diseases - rust, powdery mildew, anthracnose, gray mold, and also prevents the appearance of pests - gall midges, aphids, sawflies.

Attention! An effective and affordable top dressing for gooseberries and currants during fruiting is wood ash. Under each bush, 100 g of fertilizer is applied, at the same time the soil is loosened, after which it is abundantly watered with settled water. Ash replenishes the deficiency of minerals, strengthens the root system.

How to feed currant and gooseberry bushes in autumn

For the autumn feeding of gooseberries, potassium chloride is used. Until September 15, 15-30 g of the drug is applied under each bush (the younger the plant, the more potassium). Top dressing strengthens the immune system and increases the gooseberry's resistance to viral, bacterial, fungal diseases.

Compost is also introduced in the fall - it enriches the soil with nutrients for winter. The compost is prepared from plant residues, weeds and foliage, and the mass is left until complete decomposition. One gooseberry bush takes from 3 to 5 kg. It is brought in in October - this is the last feeding of berries in the current year.How to properly feed currants and gooseberries in spring

For autumn feeding of currants, chicken manure, mullein, slurry are used. One bush takes up to 6 kg of fertilizer. Also, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 50 g of superphosphate are added under the plant, currants are watered. Such fertilizers keep useful substances in the ground and protect the plant from pests.

How to properly feed currants and gooseberries in spring

If there is no time to prepare fertilizers, they buy ready-made compounds in the store - it can be nitrophoska, Polygro Universal, MicroMix. Complex fertilizers already contain nutrients, the main thing is to observe the dosage and recommendations for preparation.

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Spring feeding includes nitrogen compounds, urea, mineral complexes. Fertilizers are applied before and after flowering, after watering the ground. In the summer, berry bushes need organic matter and minerals, gardeners use boric acid, potato peelings, and ash. Nitrogen-containing compounds are not added in summer.

In autumn, plants are prepared for winter - they fertilize the soil with compost, potassium chloride, ready-made compounds from the store. When applying dressings, it is important to observe the dosage, take into account the age of the plant, and pay attention to the condition of the soil.

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