How to pinch cucumbers in the greenhouse and other care methods from planting to harvest

Proper care of plants is the key to a rich harvest. Growing and transplanting seedlings according to the rules are not the only conditions for care. The pickling of cucumbers is one of the important procedures for obtaining a high and stable harvest. Removing unnecessary shoots will form the plant and create favorable conditions for the growth of a large number of fruits.

The article will tell you about leaving for cucumbers in the greenhouse from planting to harvest and the most important procedure - pinching.

What is it and what is pinching for

How to pinch cucumbers in the greenhouse and other care methods from planting to harvest

Stepping out is called the removal of shoots growing from the main trunk of the plant from the axils of the leaves. Without this procedure, it is impossible to get healthy whips, full flowering and abundant fruit formation in cucumbers.

Thanks to pinning:

  1. Rising yield.
  2. Cucumbers are formed early.
  3. A compact plant is easier to care for.

Cucumber care steps: from planting to harvest

Grazing is not the only step in caring for cucumbers:

  • young shoots in open ground are sheltered from the cold;
  • maintain the optimum temperature in the greenhouse;
  • thin out seedlings - the distance between plants should be at least 15 cm;
  • watered, avoiding stagnant moisture and controlling the temperature of the water;
  • control the light regime - protect from the bright sun by shading the plants.

Do not forget about the standard care steps: feeding, watering, hilling, mulching, weeding, protection from pests.

When to pinch bushes

How to pinch cucumbers in the greenhouse and other care methods from planting to harvest

Pinching (pinching) is performed throughout the entire growth of cucumber lashes. The pinching done in time will allow the formation of small side shoots. You can harvest a larger crop from them than from the main lash.

Important! The growth of cucumber bushes is controlled so as not to miss the optimal pinching period.

The first time the procedure is carried out after 5 true leaves have ripened. During this period, the bush grows 30-40 cm high. The length of the side shoots is 5-6 cm.

The sprouting of unnecessary shoots does not have a clearly defined date and does not depend on the phases of the moon. Experienced gardeners recommend completing the manipulation before the beginning of August.

Step-by-step instructions: how to pinch cucumbers in a greenhouse

How to pinch cucumbers in the greenhouse and other care methods from planting to harvest

The main purpose of pinching is to remove unnecessary lateral shoots from the main stem. At the time of the procedure, they should be in the stage of formation. This will allow the nutrients to have a positive effect on ovary formation and fruit development.

Basic rules for pinning:

  • leave fruits on the main stem up to 70 cm high;
  • leave 2 shoots at the top point of growth;
  • all other side lashes are removed at a distance of 0.5 cm from the trunk;
  • on each lash there should be one leaf and one ovary.

Classical scheme for insect pollinated varieties and hybrids

Course of action:

  1. From the bottom of the stems, count from 3 to 5 nodes and remove everything that has managed to grow after them, including flowers and ovaries. The leaves are left.
  2. Up the main stem, stepchildren are carefully removed after 3 leaves, without affecting the side shoots.
  3. Further actions are to constantly pinch the lateral lashes above the second leaves.
  4. Shoots are removed until 3 nodes appear on the side shoot from the moment the top is removed.

With the classical method, active growth of the main stem is observed. When it reaches the top trellis, it is thrown over and directed to grow down towards the ground.

Pinning scheme with female type of flowering on the main stem

On cucumbers of the parthenocarpic type of flowering, the formation of female flowers occurs on the central stem. The pickling of such cucumber bushes is performed according to a special scheme:

  1. Shoots are removed from 6-8 lower nodes, leaving 1 ovary in each sinus.
  2. the next 8 nodules on the central trunk are not removed. Each side shoot is pinched after the first leaf.
  3. Shoots from the next 4-5 sinuses are removed after 3 leaves.
  4. The procedure is completed over the 26 leaf knot by cutting off the upper part and winding the main lash around the support.

Untimely pinching will lead to an abundance of greenery, a small number of fruits. The green mass will make it difficult for light and heat to reach. This will degrade the flavor and size of the cucumbers.

Grassing parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids

In plants of this type, cucumbers are capable of self-pollination. This must be taken into account when forming a bush:

  1. The central trunk is attached vertically to the trellis.
  2. In the first 5 leaves, all stepsons, shoots and flowers are removed, forming a blinding zone.
  3. Above it, to a meter level, pinch the lateral shoots above the first leaf, leaving one ovary with foliage.
  4. Up to a height of 1.6 m, they do nothing with two ovaries at 3-4 nodes, leaving 2-3 leaves near each cucumber.
  5. Further, 3-4 ovaries are left on all lateral shoots. The rest is removed.

Peculiarities of pinching in the open field

How to pinch cucumbers in the greenhouse and other care methods from planting to harvest

Gardeners claim that without pinching, the yield of each cucumber bush decreases by 3-5 kg. Having at your disposal a sufficient number of beds with plants, you will not be able to feel these losses. Things are different in a small summer cottage, where the struggle for the harvest is going on at every meter.

Important! The shoot removal procedure is best done on plants tied to trellises. This will protect the stem from damage. For open ground, triangular supports are most suitable.

In the open field, it is customary to form cucumber bushes into one stem, removing all side lashes. The pinching scheme for open ground of self-pollinated plants depends on their height:

  1. 30-40 cm - remove all leaves from the ground.
  2. 40-80 cm - side shoots are cut. One ovary and one leaf should remain on the central stem.
  3. 80-120 cm - pinch lateral shoots after 1 ovary and one leaf. Length - no more than 20 cm.
  4. 120-150 cm - 2-3 leaves and 2-3 ovaries are left on the side strings.
  5. 150-200 cm - pinching stops. The plant grows on its own until the end of the season.
  6. The main stem is pinched after reaching the top of the support.

Indeterminate varieties of cucumbers are formed in the open field in several stems according to the following scheme:

  1. Aged 5 true leaves tie up plant to the support.
  2. The second shoot is tied to a separate trellis, directing its growth in the other direction, avoiding interference with the main trunk.
  3. When both lashes reach the top point of the trellis, stepchildren, flowers and cucumber buds up to 4 leaves are removed.
  4. Between 5 and 9 leaves, 1 ovary is left, the rest are removed.
  5. The next stepchildren pinch, leaving a stem 30-40 cm long.
  6. All further stepchildren do not touch. The bulk of the crop will be formed on them.

Bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers are suitable for open ground. Male-type inflorescences (barren flowers) are formed on the main lash, and female ones - on stepsons. For this reason, you need to form a bush in several stems. The central lash is pinched as early as possible, directing all the growth energy of the bush to the side shoots.

Important! Not all barren flowers are removed. A few pieces are left on the lash.

Further care

After the pinching procedure, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to adhere to simple rules for caring for cucumbers:

  1. Watering. Using cold water will damage the root system. In the future, the growth of the bush will slow down, new cucumbers will form more slowly, and a bitter taste will appear in the taste. The water should be warm, heated in the sun. The best time to water is early morning.How to pinch cucumbers in the greenhouse and other care methods from planting to harvest
  2. Water for irrigation. The best option would be river and lake water. In it, salt, which is harmful to cucumbers, is contained in minimal quantities. Optimum temperature + 18 ... + 20 ° C. If it is not possible to water with lake or river water, tap water will do. Before watering in the evening, it is collected in containers. During the night it will settle, harmful compounds will decay or settle.
  3. Prolongation of the fruiting period. In the second half of summer, new cucumbers are formed less frequently. Fish waste is used to stimulate flowering. They are poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2. The mixture is placed in a warm, dark place. After the appearance of foam, the solution is ready for use. To 1 liter of the strained solution add 1 tbsp. ash. The resulting mixture is used for near-root irrigation.

How to pinch cucumbers in the greenhouse and other care methods from planting to harvest


Thanks to pinching, the yield of cucumbers increases by 2-5 kg ​​from each bush. The scheme is selected depending on the variety and place of cultivation. The purpose of the procedure is to prevent excess male-type colors, to increase the number of female flowers, to provide access to light and heat.

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