How to choose tomatoes for seedlings

Due to the peculiarities of the climate in Russia throughout its territory, tomatoes are grown mainly in seedlings. This allows you to get a good harvest of fruits in a relatively short summer.

We offer an overview varieties tomatoes for seedlings and dwell on the tricks of the process of growing seedlings at home.

What varieties to choose for planting

It's no wonder to get lost in the variety of varieties. Before choosing a variety, it is advisable for a gardener to answer his own questions:

  1. About the place of cultivation: Do you want to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse or outdoors?
  2. About the size of tomatoes: do you want to get a harvest of small, medium or large fruits?
  3. About the color of the fruit: do you want classic red tomatoes or other colors?
  4. About the purpose of use: tomatoes are needed for fresh consumption or for blanks for winter?
  5. On the timing of ripening: do you prefer to harvest early, during the general season, or do you want the tomatoes to please with their appearance when the other varieties have already "departed"?
  6. About the height of the bushes: are you ready to make extra efforts when caring for tall bushes or are you only considering undersized ones?

The list of questions is not exhaustive. But having decided on the answers to these questions, you will find the direction in which you will move further in the world of varieties and varieties this plant.

How to choose tomatoes for seedlings

Overview of productive tomatoes

No matter how tomatoes do you prefer (small, large, undersized or tall), experienced tomato growers distinguish the following among the most productive varieties of homemade tomatoes:

Name Maximum yield from one bush, kg Characteristics of the variety
Cow's ear 6 Mid-season indeterminate
Grandma's joy 5 Indeterminate variety of medium ripening
Batianya 4-5 Early maturing indeterminate
Academician Sakharov 5,5 Tall and mid-season
Youth 5 Early determinant
Pickled delicacy 4 Mid-season determinant

This list is not exhaustive. Each tomato grower from all the variety can choose the fruitful variety that he likes.

How to plant seeds for seedlings

Having decided on the variety of tomatoes and having bought seeds for planting, it is worth finding out the features of sowing. In addition to seeds for planting, containers and earth (soil) will be needed.

Planting containers

What can you plant tomato seeds in:

  • plastic containers or cut plastic bottles;
  • wooden boxes;
  • peat pots;
  • store trays for seedlings;
  • carton boxes;
  • disposable cups;
  • plastic bags, etc.

Attention! Sometimes water will seep through the bottom of the container. Take care of a tray or container underneath to protect the windowsill.

Planting soil

It is prepared independently or bought at a specialized gardening store.

Requirements for good soil for tomatoes:

  • acidity - neutral;
  • free of weeds and pests;
  • holds water well.

The best soil composition for planting tomatoes: 5 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of peat, 3 parts of humus.

If the soil is purchased ready-made, additional manipulations with it are not necessary. If the soil for seedlings is taken on its own, then it must be disinfected.

There are several ways to do this:

  • spill with a solution of potassium permanganate (dilute 2-3 g of crystals in 10 liters of water);
  • freeze (leave outside for the winter);
  • spill boiling water;
  • bake in the oven or microwave (30 minutes at 50 degrees).

Attention! Some gardeners have a negative attitude to boiling water and calcining the earth in the oven, believing that along with pests and diseases, beneficial microorganisms also disappear from the soil.

Seed handling

Seeds are planted in late February or early March. You will learn the terms recommended by the seed manufacturer for each variety from the instructions on the package.

Attention! Experienced gardeners advise when choosing tomato seeds to focus not only on calendar dates, but also on the current phase of the moon. Tomatoes, as a vegetable crop yielding in the aerial part, are advised to be planted with the growing moon (skipping the first 3 days of the new moon).

In order for seedlings to be friendly, before planting, the seeds are treated as follows:

  1. Disinfect in a slightly pink aqueous solution of potassium permanganate for 0.5 hour.
  2. Rinse under running water for several minutes.
  3. Placed for 24 hours in an ash solution (a tablespoon of wood ash in a glass of water).

After processing the seeds, they are planted in prepared soil. Embedding depth - 1-2 cm. The container is covered with plastic wrap and placed in a warm place. Seeds germinate at 23-25 ​​° C. The first shoots will appear in 5-8 days. After seed germination, the container is moved to a lighted place (on the windowsill). The film is removed.

Seedling care

Small shoots are watered with care. For watering, water is specially defended.How to choose tomatoes for seedlings

When the plant grows two true leaves, each sprouts are planted in a separate container (make a pick). This is necessary for the full development of the root system. In new containers, seedlings remain to grow until they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Two weeks before planting in the main place, the seedlings begin to harden. First, cool airing is done, and then over time they are taken out of a warm room to the balcony for several hours. Then they leave it there for the whole day (they return it to the house at night).

How to plant seedlings in the ground

If tomato seedlings are intended for a greenhouse, then they are transplanted to the main place at the end of April-May. When are tomatoes planted outdoors? Given the climatic features (possible spring frosts), this is done in May and early June.

Before transplanting seedlings into the ground, it is recommended to treat the ground with a solution of copper sulfate (according to the dosage on the package).

Dig holes according to the planting scheme. For large tomato bushes, the distance between the plants is kept at a level of 40-50 cm. And the same amount between the rows.

Note... For tomato varieties with compact bushes, the distance can be reduced by 5-15 cm.

Pour 1 tbsp into each hole. a spoonful of ash or superphosphate. Place the seedlings in the hole, freeing them from the container in which they grew. The hole is covered with earth. The planting depth is determined based on the height of the first leaf of the plant: it must be above the ground.

Do not over-water the plants immediately after transplanting. The opinion that the tomato will take root better from abundant watering is wrong. Better to do moderate watering. So the plant in a new place will quickly overcome the stress from transplanting and will begin to develop the root system not in the upper layers of the soil, but will lower them to a depth where the soil is more moist.

Let's sum up

We examined the basic techniques for planting tomatoes for seedlings. It is important to follow all the steps. To get strong and healthy seedlings, it is important to disinfect seeds and planting soil and only then plant seeds for seedlings. You already know how to grow it. Before transplanting to a greenhouse or to open beds, it is better to harden the seedlings - this way it adapts faster to a new place.

If you adhere to the rules and timing of planting, the seedlings will become strong and productive bushes and will repay the gardener for the attention and care of a good harvest.

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