Pros and cons of tomato "Lopatinskie"

Novice gardeners think that big harvests of tomatoes can be obtained by working in a greenhouse from morning to night. But if you choose the right set of varieties, you will reduce the time for caring for tomatoes and greatly facilitate your gardening work.

Today we will tell you about one such variety - this is the Lopatinsky tomato variety. You will learn all about the rules of growing, the yield of the variety and get acquainted with the reviews of farmers about these tomatoes.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Lopatinsky tomatoes are considered mid-season. From germination to the moment of ripening of the first fruits, 110 -120 days pass.

The plant is of an indeterminate type. This means that the tomato is not limited in height.

A lot of foliage and side shoots grow on the bush. The plant needs pinching and bush formation. Experienced tomato growers form a plant with 2-3 stems.

Fruit and yield

The variety is relatively large-fruited. The mass of fruits ranges from 100 to 500 g. In shape, they are round and slightly flattened, dense, fleshy and aromatic, with a slight ribbing.

See how they look in the photo:

Pros and cons of tomato Lopatinsky

The use of tomatoes is versatile. They are good both fresh and in preparations for the winter (drying, pickling and salting).

The yield of the variety reaches up to 10 kg from a bush.

The fruits of the Lopatinsky variety are distinguished by long shelf life. They tolerate transportation well. This makes them attractive to grow and sell.

Pros and cons of the variety

The variety has both advantages and disadvantages. Among the pluses:

  • good yield even in unfavorable weather;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to late blight.

Of the disadvantages, tomato growers note:

  • tomatoes need to be tied;
  • pinching is required to get a good harvest.

How to grow a tomato

Consider what features need to be taken into account when growing tomatoes of the Lopatinsky variety.

Sowing seeds

Tomatoes are grown in seedlings. They are planted on average 60 days before the expected date of disembarkation at the main site. This is usually done in March.

Before planting, it is advisable to soak the seeds in a solution of a growth and development stimulant. It could be Epin or Epina Extra. For 100-120 g of water at room temperature add 1-2 drops of Epin solution and keep the seeds in it beforeplanting in the ground for 4-6 hours.

A growth stimulator will allow:

  • make sure the seeds are germinating;
  • protect future seedlings from pests and diseases;
  • will speed up the germination time.

Seedling care

When shoots appear and 2 true leaves grow, the plants dive (transplanted into a separate container or container). There they will remain until landing at the main place (in the ground or to the greenhouse).

Important! Before transplanting seedlings into open ground, it is advisable to harden it - to accustom it to cooler temperatures. This is achieved by regularly placing seedlings in ventilated areas with conditions close to outdoor conditions (for example, on a balcony).

Disembarkation at the main place

Plants are planted in the greenhouse starting in May. Into the open ground - later (when the threat of frost has passed on the soil, around the beginning of June).

The best planting pattern for seedlings recommended by tomato growers is 50 cm x 60 cm in a checkerboard pattern. This means that a distance of 50 cm is left between the bushes, and 60 cm between the rows.

Adult plant care

To get a decent harvest, it is recommended to tie up the plants and remove stepchildren if necessary.

It is advisable to feed plants with boric acid several times per season.

To prepare a working solution, 0.5 teaspoon of boric acid powder is dissolved in hot water (200 ml). The mixture is poured into 10 l of water. The resulting solution from a spray bottle is abundantly sprayed over the aboveground part of the bushes.

Such foliar feeding:

  • stimulates the growth of tomatoes;
  • improves metabolic processes,
  • increases the sugar content of fruits;
  • makes the plant stronger and more resistant to disease;

Prevention of diseases and pests

In addition to spraying with boric acid solution against diseases, irrigation of the bushes with garlic tincture has a beneficial effect on the bushes of Lopatinsky tomatoes for prevention from pests... The solution is prepared from 5 liters of water and 180-200 g of chopped garlic cloves. After insisting for 3-5 hours, the liquid can be used, having previously filtered it from the garlic cake.

For prevention from most varieties of pests, it is good to plant calendula next to tomatoes. She scares away intruders well.

Attention! In order to prevent diseases and pests, it is worth remembering the rules of crop rotation on the ground. Alternate crops in the garden and do not plant tomatoes in the same spot for several years in a row.

Variety reviews

About tomatoes Lopatinskie gardeners leave the following reviews:

Sweeta, Belgorod region. Yielding variety, I liked it very much. Planted in the open field, formed 3 stems. The bushes were about 70 cm high. The first tomatoes weighed up to 500 g, then up to 200 g. I will grow more.

Elena, Novosibirsk. In my greenhouse, the Lopatinskys grew up to 180 cm in height. Overripe tomatoes lay on the seeds for a very long time and did not deteriorate.

Valentina, Tikhoretsk. I did not like the Lopatinsky tomatoes at all (the seeds were from Sibsad). On the packaging it was promised: fruitful, large. I didn't have less than 300 g. But the taste has grown sour-sour!

Natalia Nikolaevna, Smolensk. My Lopatinskys did not grow above 60 cm, both in the greenhouse and in the open field. Tomatoes without much care poured up to 400 g.

Ogorodnik_77, Barnaul... This year, I planted 1 bush in a greenhouse for testing (a neighbor gave seedlings). So he bloomed for me the very first, overtook my early ripening hybrids. I counted only 30 fruits on the bush. We ripened almost simultaneously. Next season I will plant more, the impressions are good.

Alla, Moscow region... The Lopatinsky variety in my greenhouse turned out to be tall (1.5 m) and productive. The fruits are large (up to 400 g) and fleshy. Ripe up to pink color, slightly ribbed. I read that the Lopatinskys give stable yields even when the weather is not conducive to growth and maturation.

Read also:

Features of agricultural technology of the "Money bag" variety for a better harvest.

Spectacular appearance and unusual taste: Kumato tomatoes and the secrets of their cultivation.

Let's sum up

The variety Lopatinskie tomato growers is characterized by high productivity. Tomatoes are grown both in the greenhouse and in the garden in the open field. Need a tie. The fruits are fleshy, large and slightly ribbed. They are well stored and versatile in use: they are suitable both for consumption raw and for preparation for the winter.

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