How to grow basil Ruby Cairo: planting and care step by step for beginners

Basil Ruby of Cairo is appreciated by lovers of fresh herbs. They note its taste and aroma, rich chemical composition, as well as the possibility of widespread use in cooking. They harvest from bushes grown both in the open field and in a pot on the windowsill of a city apartment. However, before sowing, it is important to familiarize yourself with the nuances of planting and care.

What is this kind of basil

Ruby of Cairo is a perennial early variety undersized basilica.

History of origin and distribution

Basil originally appeared in India and Thailand, where he received the status of a sacred plant as the embodiment of the goddess Lakshmi. It is very popular in Italy - basil is added to many national dishes.

Homeland of the Ruby Cairo variety - Ukraine... It became widespread in Moldova, after which it was increasingly planted in Russia. Ruby of Cairo can be grown not only in the open field, but also in greenhouses and pots on the windowsill, so there are no restrictions in the breeding regions.

How to grow basil Ruby Cairo: planting and care step by step for beginners

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages are noted:

  • the possibility of growing outdoors and at home;
  • universality of application;
  • good yield indicators - 1-1.5 kg per 1 sq. m;
  • resistance to pests.

The disadvantages include:

  • intolerance to low temperatures;
  • the need to monitor flowering so that the taste of the leaves does not deteriorate.

Differences from other varieties

Rubin Cairo has several featuresthat distinguish it from other varieties:

  • stabilized color of leaves - purple does not have green or yellow blotches;
  • often used as an ornamental plant, grown in flower beds and flowerpots;
  • versatility of use due to its excellent taste - it is consumed both fresh and after heat treatment.

Feature and Description

Has a purple leaf color. On average, it grows from 25 to 30 cm... Leaves 3-4 cm in size, smooth and glossy, with a jagged edge and light veins. Inflorescences are red-violet.

Features of the chemical composition

The variety has a rich chemical composition, thanks to which it has a beneficial effect on the human body. It stimulates appetite and strengthens the nervous system, relieves stomach cramps, helps normalize digestion and has a diuretic and disinfectant effect.

100 g of basil contains:

  • How to grow basil Ruby Cairo: planting and care step by step for beginnersvitamin K (phylloquinone) - 887.2% of the daily value;
  • beta-carotene - 62.8%;
  • lutein - 56.7%;
  • folic acid - 47.3%;
  • vitamin C - 25.7%;
  • pantothenic acid - 10.5%;
  • omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - 32%;
  • phytosterols - 47.3% with a predominance of beta-sitosterol - 37.5%;
  • galactose - 38.6%.

Variety does not contain sucrose and starch.

The Ruby of Cairo contains the following minerals:

  • iron - 21.1%;
  • calcium - 16.1%;
  • magnesium - 16%;
  • potassium - 11.8%;
  • silicon - 15.3%;
  • copper - 39%.

100 g of fresh product accounts for 1% fat, 3% protein, and 5% carbohydrates. Energy value - 23 kcal.


Ruby of Cairo is a thermophilic plant that does not tolerate low temperatures... He loves moisture very much, so the leaves should be irrigated regularly, while preventing stagnation of water at the roots.

Due to its strong aroma, it is not afraid of pests - the smell repels insects... Ruby Cairo is most often sick due to lack of moisture (in this case, the leaves become tough) or soil depletion, so it is recommended to replant the bushes every 2-3 years.

Taste and aroma qualities

Ruby of Cairo is classified as a spice... During heat treatment, the leaves have distinctly peppery notes. Freshly picked basil has a rich aroma, it is difficult to confuse it with another plant.

Scope of the variety

The variety is added as a dressing to meat and fish, used in marinades... Some people note the peppery notes of the leaves and use them in their drinks. Basil goes well with fresh vegetables.

How to grow basil Ruby Cairo: planting and care step by step for beginners

Growing technology

Ruby Cairo grown through seedlings... This allows you to achieve maximum yields and get strong, healthy bushes.

Optimal conditions

The area should be bright, but protected from direct sunlight - the summer sun can burn the leaves, and the plant will die. The optimum temperature for planting is from + 18 ° C. It is worth avoiding those places where water stagnates - the roots of the basil in this case will quickly rot.

Terms and rules of landing

Since basil does not like low temperatures, it it is recommended to plant late May - early June. 2 months before planting in the ground, seeds are sown for seedlings... Use store planting material or seeds collected in the previous year.

For emergence of seedlings a certain temperature regime is needed - + 20 ° C ... + 25 ° C.


  1. Prepare a disposable container with drainage holes.
  2. Fill the container with soil.
  3. Seeds are distributed at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, without burying them in the ground, but gently pressing them with a stick.
  4. Moisten the soil and transfer the container to a well-lit place.
  5. After the emergence of sprouts and the formation of 2 leaves on them, they are transplanted into small pots 5 × 5 cm.
  6. Irrigate the seedlings regularly and prevent the soil from drying out too much.
  7. In open ground the plant is transferred when the threat of frost has passed.

Further care

Look after Ruby of Cairo is easy. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. The bushes are irrigated regularly from a watering can or spray. The soil should always be slightly damp. Watering plants in the open field is carried out at least once a day, in the morning. In extreme heat, the leaves are moistened in the evening from a spray bottle. Home bushes are irrigated daily in spring and autumn, in summer - morning and evening. In winter, one watering every 2-3 days is enough. If there is a heating source nearby, place a humidifier or a bowl of water next to the pot.
  2. Ruby Cairo needs regular feeding, which is best done during watering every 2 weeks. Add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. ash. Separately, you can use universal fertilizers for greens or humus.
  3. The soil is loosened every 2-3 days, touching 2-3 cm of the top layer. Thanks to this, moisture evaporates less, and the soil is saturated with oxygen.
  4. Harvested from late July to early September.

The buds are picked before they bloomso that the leaves do not lose their taste.

How to grow basil Ruby Cairo: planting and care step by step for beginners

Possible problems, diseases, pests

Ruby Cairo susceptible to fungal and viral infections only when weakened... The leaves contain a large amount of organic acids that limit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

The specific aroma repels insects, and essential oils, which are part of Rubin Cairo, make the leaves unattractive to pests.

With increased acidity of the soil, its hardening and too much watering a black leg may develop. The affected plant is dug up and burned, and the soil is treated with manganese or formalin.

Features of growing seedlings

It is best to propagate the variety using seedlings.

At home

At home You can plant Ruby of Cairo at any time of the year... For this, a south window is chosen. If planting is done in autumn or winter, the plant will need additional lighting with a lamp. Homemade basil is regularly fertilized with specialized mixtures and transplanted into another pot every 2 years with a complete replacement of the soil.

In the greenhouse

To the greenhouse basil is planted in early spring, also organizing additional lighting and maintaining a constant temperature of + 18 ° C ... + 20 ° C.

In the open field

When choosing a place for seedlings take into account the nearest neighbors... Shady trees and shrubs will not work. They will depress the planting, and the basil will quickly wither away. Neighborhoods should also be avoided with crops that quickly deplete the soil and require a lot of moisture.

Reviews of summer residents

How to grow basil Ruby Cairo: planting and care step by step for beginnersGardeners note the high taste of the variety, as well as its resistance to diseases and pests.

Leah Torokhova, Krasnodar Territory: “I've been growing Cairo's ruby ​​for several years at home. I use it in salads and when roasting meat or fish. The variety is unpretentious, with sufficient watering it allows you to harvest regularly. The pot is on the south side of the house, but in winter, without a lamp, the plant begins to wither, so 3-4 hours a day I additionally light it up. ".

Anastasia Ivanova, Rostov region: “This variety appeared in my garden 3 years ago. I did not get sick with any diseases, last year I moved the bushes to another area, the basil quickly recovered. The climate allows you to plant Ruby Cairo in late April - early May. A friend's cultivar grows in a flower bed, diluting the greenery of flowers. ".


Ruby Cairo is versatile in use, healthy and pleasing to the eye with a beautiful purple shade of leaves. A huge advantage is the ability to grow a house on a windowsill. If you follow the rules of watering and provide the plant with enough light, you can get a rich harvest for a long time.

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