Varieties of Family onions and their characteristics

Shallots are a popular garden crop that, with proper care, can compete with their onion cousin in terms of benefits and productivity. Shallots are perfect for fresh consumption and canning. And the tender and juicy greens of the plant will enrich your diet with vitamins.

How to harvest a rich harvest of tender, juicy onions with a spicy sweetish taste already in July? Very simple! As soon as the last spring frosts recede, we plant bulbs of any of the "Family" varieties of shallots on the garden bed. Already after 100-120 days we enjoy the fruits of our own labor.

Description and photo of Family bow

Family (Semeyka, Gnezdovka, Kushchevka, Zubovka) is a multi-pronged type of onion called shallots. It is a perennial plant with 4 to 10 bulbs formed into a nest. Their size and their number depends on the growing conditions and the type of crop.

Reference. The size of one Semeika bulb, as a rule, does not exceed 5 cm, and the total weight of the nest reaches 500 g.

The green part of the plant is the feathers. They are thin, tubular and rounded. Each bulb produces up to 10 fresh greens, which can grow up to 40 cm in length.

Varieties of Family onions and their characteristics

Origin and development

The plant got its name due to its ability to grow whole families of bulbs, formed into a single nest.

Shallots have been cultivated and used for human consumption over a thousand years ago.... The first mention of this plant came to us from the city of Ascalon, once located in ancient Palestine. The exact place of origin of the culture is not known for certain. However, historians believe that the homeland of the modern Semeyka is in Asia Minor. A plant similar in description was mentioned in local ancient chronicles.

Reference. Until recently, shallot varieties were cultivated only in areas with a warm climate: in Egypt, Georgia, Greece, India, Kazakhstan, and the Kuban. But breeders have developed more cold-resistant Semeyka varieties, which made it possible to grow it in regions with more severe climatic conditions.

The family has fundamental differences from other varieties of onions:

  1. Multi-bud varieties form nests of 3-10 bulbs. Their weight is from 20 to 80 g, depending on the variety.
  2. Shallot feathers are thinner and rounder and less sharp at the tips than common onion varieties.
  3. Greens have a pronounced waxy coating on the surface.

Varieties of family bow

Varieties of Family onions and their characteristics

Today there are more than 50 different varieties of Kushchevka, differing in the following characteristics:

  • early maturity;
  • frost resistance;
  • the degree of sweetness of the bulbs.

Early ripe

Early maturing varieties of Semeyka are perfect for cultivation in regions with harsh climates, yielding crops even in short and cool summers.


The variety is semi-hot in taste. It has rounded bulbs, 3-4 bulbs per nest. The weight of each reaches 15-22 grams. The husk is brownish pink. Productivity - up to 1.5 kg per 1 m². Keeping quality good - up to 10 months at home. The culture is two years old.


Snowball is a pungent shallot. The bulbs reach 30 g and are ovoid. The husk is off-white, the juicy part is snow-white. When grown correctly, it gives up to 2 kg of yield per 1 m². Shelf life is up to 7 months.


Family variety of early ripening onions, optimal for obtaining vitamin greens. The bulbs are pale yellow with a pink tint, have a pronounced pungent taste. The mass of one varies from 20 to 35 g. The technical ripeness period begins at the end of July.


Mid-season shallots are represented by the largest number of varieties. They are distinguished by high yields and large bulbs. Recommended for cultivation in the southern regions. Suitable for cultivation in the middle lane, subject to a prolonged period of heat.


It is a mid-season variety with a semi-sharp taste. The bulbs have a rounded, slightly flattened shape, weighing up to 10-30 g. In one nest there are from 3 to 8 pieces. It has a stable and high yield, it can be stored well even at home.

Interesting. Despite the relatively small size of the bulbs declared by the breeders, some amateur gardeners manage to get heads reaching 3 cm in diameter. This indicates that Albica is very promising for growing in the regions of the middle lane.

Kuban yellow

The variety is characterized by semi-sharp-tasting bulbs, located in a nest of 4-6 bulbs. Form - from round to round-flat, weight - 20-30 g. The color of the husk is brownish-yellow. The juicy part is white with a pronounced greenish tint. Keeping quality is good.


Semi-hot variety producing 2 to 4 bulbs per nest. They have a rounded flattened or oval shape. The mass of one turnip is about 25 g. Dry scales are pinkish-brown in color. The juicy part is light lilac with white stripes. The growing season is just under 3 months.

Late ripening

Late-ripening Semeyka varieties are characterized by a longer period of technical maturity. In this regard, their cultivation is possible only in regions with a long summer period.


The variety has a high ripeness before harvesting. Bred at the Krasnodar Research Institute of Vegetable and Potato Farming and recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus region of the country. The period of technical maturity is 80-110 days. The bulbs have a rounded, flattened shape. The mass of one is from 25 to 30 g. The husk is yellow. The juicy part is snow-white. The plant forms 3-4 buds per nest.


A semi-sharp shallot. Oval bulbs are covered with pale pink scales and form 4-7 bulbs per nest. Weight - from 20 to 50 g, depending on climatic conditions and cultivation methods.

An important difference of the variety is its high resistance to rot damage, as well as the formation of arrows. This family onion is suitable for fall set planting before winter.

Siberian amber

Biennial grade. The bulbs form 6-7 buds per nest. They are covered with golden yellow scales, have a rounded shape, high density, weigh from 20 to 30 g. The pulp is juicy, semi-sharp in taste. The yield of the variety is up to 1.5 kg per 1 m².

Chemical composition and useful properties

100 g of Family onion contains:

  • water - 79.8 g;
  • ash - 0.87 g;
  • saturated fatty acids - 0.017 g;
  • potassium - 334 mg;
  • phosphorus - 60 mg;
  • calcium - 37 mg;
  • magnesium - 21 mg;
  • sodium - 12 mg;
  • iron - 1.2 mg;
  • zinc - 0.4 mg;
  • manganese - 0.292 mg;
  • copper - 88 mcg;
  • selenium - 1.2 mcg;
  • chromium - 0.8 μg;
  • cobalt - 0.05 mcg;
  • vanadium - 0.03 mcg.

Of all the onion varieties, only shallots contain selenium, chromium, vanadium and cobalt.

Vitamin composition of nesting onions per 100 g:

  • vitamin C - 8 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.345 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.29 mg;
  • niacin equivalent (PP) - 0.2 mg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.06 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.02 mg;
  • vitamin RE (A) - 60 μg;
  • folic acid (B9) 34 mcg

The nutritional value of the product is characterized by the following indicators per 100 g of the product:

  • 72 kcal - 3.6% of the consumption rate for an adult;
  • carbohydrates - 16.8 g;
  • proteins - 2.5 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g

Varieties of Family onions and their characteristics

Thanks to the phytoncides contained in Family onion, it is widely used in folk medicine to cleanse the body of various viruses, bacteria and parasites. When onion is eaten, its pulp enters the digestive tract, neutralizing the bacterial flora and enhancing intestinal motility. This contributes to the effective removal of toxins from the body.

Potassium, magnesium, sodium and some of the vitamins contained in the Family improve the functioning of the circulatory system, improve the hematopoietic functions of the body. By increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, blood pressure is normalized, and the heart muscle is strengthened.

The vitamins and antioxidants found in all the edible parts of shallots provide effective rejuvenation of the body.

Regular consumption of fresh herbs and onions Family:

  • improves metabolic processes in tissues;
  • neutralizes free radicals;
  • removes toxins and excess cholesterol.

The potassium in nesting onions helps the body regulate water-salt balance and maintain muscle tone. In addition, it is recommended to use the Family to combat obesityas well as its consequences.

Ripening period

All varieties of the Family variety are characterized by early ripening compared to common onions. Depending on the plant chosen for planting and climatic conditions, harvesting begins after 60-120 days. A feather on greens is cut 1-2 weeks after planting the seedlings and a month after sowing by seed.


Strictly observing the regionality recommended for a particular variety and having studied the agricultural technology of its cultivation, it is possible to collect up to 1.5 kg of Family bulbs from each square meter of crops.

Attention. The yield declared by the manufacturer of the seed is reduced due to damage to plants by insects or various diseases. Therefore, at all stages of the growing season, it is important to take care of preventive measures.

Disease resistance

All shallots are highly resistant to rot and fungal diseases.

Characteristics of the bulb, description of the appearance, taste

Varieties of Family onions and their characteristics

Depending on the specific variety, Semeyki have sweet, medium-sharp, pungent and even bitter taste. The size and shape of the bulb, the color of the husk and the juicy part also depend on its variety.

Common features of the Family Bow:

  • the size of the bulbs is relatively small - from 4 to 7 cm;
  • the shape is elongated or slightly flattened;
  • the color range of the husk varies from yellow-brown to red and even pink-purple;
  • the edible part of the bulbs is dense, juicy and aromatic;
  • weight - from 20 to 80 g, depending on the variety and agronomic conditions of cultivation;
  • high degree of frost resistance and excellent keeping quality.

For which regions is it recommended

Choose planting material for shallot cultivation, taking into account climatic conditions. There are more than fifty Semeyka varieties suitable for cultivation both in the south of Russia and in the middle lane.

Attention. When planting in regions of the middle lane, choose early maturing shallots. This will provide the crop with full technical maturity before the first frost.

The main advantages and disadvantages of family onions

The main advantages:Varieties of Family onions and their characteristics

  1. Bulbs of families are more frost-resistant and are characterized by a high degree of keeping quality even at home.
  2. The taste of most varieties is delicate, which allows them to be widely used in cooking.
  3. The Family onion is distinguished by a consistently high yield and is rarely affected by diseases, unlike its onion counterpart.


  1. Peeling small shallots is quite inconvenient.
  2. The culture is characterized by low resistance to damage by onion flies and other insects.

Features of planting and growing

The process of cultivating shallots is practically the same as cultivating common onions. Nevertheless, there are some agrotechnical nuances and tricks.

Preparing for landing

Before planting Semeyki, you need to properly prepare the set:

  1. To do this, the bulbs are cleaned of old dried husks and kept in a solution of copper sulfate (1 tbsp. L. Per bucket of water) for 10-15 minutes.
  2. After preventive soaking, the bulbs are rinsed with clean cool water.
  3. Recover lost in time storage the supply of nutrients in the planting material will be helped by soaking it for 10-12 hours in any specialized nutrient solution: "Kornevin", "Epine", etc. parts.
  4. In order for the buds in the nest to reach the maximum possible size, the bulbs prepared for planting are cut. Each contains 8 primordia. By dividing the bulb in half, you will have two full nests of 4 bulbs each. At the same time, vegetables will grow to a larger size than in an undivided family.

Ground requirements

Shallot is undemanding to the soil, but its acidity should be neutral. Most of all, onions like moist sandy or loamy soils, rich in humus. For planting, it is better to choose a place that has recently been freed from legumes, carrots or potatoes.

Timing, scheme and landing rules

Family onion is a cold-resistant plant. Its roots successfully survive temperatures down to -7 ° C. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to plant shallots before the night frosts recede, since low temperatures will provoke its shooting. The exception is varieties suitable for winter planting.

The optimal time for sowing Semeyka is mid-April - early May, depending on weather conditions and the region.Varieties of Family onions and their characteristics

Each bulb forms a nest with a dense aerial part. If the shallot is cramped, it will grow small and painful. The main condition during planting of primordial onion varieties is strict adherence to the distance between future plants.

The optimal planting scheme is in rows, the distance is at least 10 cm. During planting of large varieties, this figure is increased to 30-40 cm. Medium-sized varieties will require 15-20 cm between each ridge. Planting depth - 3-4 cm.

The soil, poor in nutrients, is fertilized before planting onions. Rotted compost is laid in each hole, 1 tsp. superphosphate, urea and 2 tbsp. l. ash.

Growing features: watering mode, loosening, weeding and feeding

High humidity and warmth are the key to a rich harvest of shallots. The air humidity in the beds should be at least 60%, and the soil should be even higher. Throughout the growing season of the plant watered at least once a week, constantly keeping the beds slightly moist.

If the soil is breathable (not loam), additional loosening of the beds is not required.

To maintain the optimum moisture level, onion plantings are mulched with straw, lined with a layer of 7-10 cm. This procedure will also reduce the number of necessary weeding, which, in the absence of mulch, is carried out regularly.

Fertilize only moist soil. Twice a month it is recommended to apply 30 ml of ammonia diluted in 10 liters of water under the roots of plants.

To increase the fertility of the soil, plants are fed with urea.This is done when the first 3-5 leaves grow. In 10 liters of water, 30 g of carbamide and 15 g of potassium sulfate are diluted. After 14 days, feeding is repeated by adding potassium monophosphate to the solution.

Disease and pest control

The rudimentary onion is practically not susceptible to fungal diseases and rot, therefore, for their prevention, it is quite enough to process the planting material (for example, with a solution of potassium permanganate).

The most dangerous pests for the crops of the Family:

  1. Onion fly. Phytoncides secreted by ordinary garden carrots will help scare it away. Early planting of the planting material will help protect planting from onion flies. In this case, by the time the first insects appear, the feathers will have time to coarse. Another way to combat is mulching ridges with tobacco dust, peat, ash or onion husks.
  2. Onion hoverfly... The methods of dealing with this harmful insect are similar to the methods of protecting the shallot from the onion fly.
  3. Onion moth... The main preventive measures are - observance of crop rotation and timely mulching of ridges with tobacco dust, ash, peat or onion husks.
  4. Medvedka. The best way to fight is by setting traps. To organize them, small piles of manure are laid out on pieces of plywood or boards. Medvedka will lay their eggs there, which are burned together with the bait every 7-14 days, spreading new manure on the same place.

Harvesting and storage

Harvest the crop of multi-primordial onions when more than half of its greens are covered. In most regions, this occurs in late July - early August.

Attention! It is not worth delaying the collection of an already withered shallot by more than half. Its bulbs will begin to take moisture from the soil, thereby shortening their maximum shelf life.

They are harvested in dry sunny weather, and 1-2 days before it begins, watering the ridges is completely stopped.

Nests are carefully dug out entirely and laid out to dry during daylight hours right on the ridges. When the crop is dry, the feathers are cut and undamaged bulbs are selected for long-term storage.

The shelf life of Semeyka onions is high: 6-10 months, depending on the specific variety. The best place to store your shallot crop is in well-ventilated boxes in a warm, dark, dry environment.

The rudimentary onion is an unpretentious plant. The main difficulties are early shooting in case of violation of the temperature regime and damage by various pests.

Tips from experienced gardeners

Experienced gardeners recommend reducing the number of buds in each of the bulbs prepared for planting by separating them. This will produce large bulbs in each of the nests.

It is recommended to update the planting material at least once every 4 years. Shallot is a biennial plant. After this period, you can get from the culture to shoot and collect the seeds. But only once, since each subsequent reproduction of a plant by seed will worsen its agrotechnical qualities.

Reviews of the varieties of family onions

Family is a real favorite of gardeners in almost all regions of the country. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews about various varieties of Semeyka.

Tatiana, Lesosibirsk: “Family onions are very productive. I have a small summer cottage, and I want to place as many plants as possible on it. I planted the Emerald two years ago and I can't get enough of it: in the summer I indulge myself with greens, and in the winter with juicy and fragrant bulbs. The harvest is enough for the whole family! "

Lev Borisovich, Borovichi: “I am a lazy gardener: I do not like to sow for a long time and waste time caring for plants. But I just love the onion. Family has become a real find for me. Unpretentious, biennial, delicious. Next year I plan to plant a couple more varieties for a change. "

Izolda Pavlovna, Zvenigorod: “I love it when a plant pleases the eye and brings benefits. I have a shallot sitting next to flower beds, adds bright greenery, drives away pests. Thick, bright feathers.And although I don't really do anything to care for him, I have been pampering myself with green tea all summer, and I have enough for the winter. A great alternative to regular onions! "


Family - unpretentious biennial onion in cultivation with excellent keeping quality, high nutritional value and variety of tastes. The culture develops well in any climatic conditions, undemanding to the soil, compact with a fairly high yield compared to ordinary onions.

Shallots are a real find for gardeners who want to diversify their diet with vitamin greens in summer and tender, aromatic bulbs throughout the year.

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