Can I eat onions while breastfeeding?

"Onion from seven ailments" - there is folk wisdom. But is this true for a nursing mother? We will tell you about the beneficial properties, myths and real benefits of this vegetable in the article, based on scientific research, reviews of pediatricians and neonatologists.

We will talk about how much, in what form, you can use onions, as well as about the methods and time limits for entering into the diet of a nursing mother.

Useful properties of onions

Due to its rich composition, this vegetable acts:

  • natural immunomodulator and immunostimulant - vitamins E, B, C help to increase immunity, mobilize defense mechanisms;
  • natural anti-influenza agent - phytoncides resist infection and protect against harmful microbes;
  • an excellent antioxidant - flavonoids (quercetin) and ascorbic acid protect cells from free radical damage;
  • mild diuretic due to irritating substances and a large amount of mineral salts.

In addition, the vegetable normalizes water-salt metabolism and has a beneficial effect on a healthy digestive system.

How does onion affect lactation

Doctors-immunologists believe that onions are useful for a woman's body exhausted by pregnancy and childbirth. But the main principle for a nursing mother is caution and careful introduction of new products into her menu. Any food is reflected on the baby through breast milk.

How does this garden plant affect the mother and child food chain?

Can I eat onions while breastfeeding?

To mother

The beneficial chemical composition of onions serves as a kind of shield against infections and viruses, and also supports a weakened body in the postpartum period. The bioflavonoids and fiber contained in the bulb have a positive effect on intestinal motility, normalize digestive processes and remove toxins from the body.

Chlorophyll, present in the feathers of green onions, affects the composition of the blood and the condition of blood vessels (prevents their fragility, strengthens the walls). Vitamin and mineral composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Per child

If neither parent has food allergies, the baby is less likely to develop negative reactions. There is a mild laxative effect of onions. Recommended if the child has frequent constipation and problems with stool.

For milk

Many mothers ask themselves - does the bitterness of a vegetable affect the taste of milk? Pediatricians assure that a moderate intake will not affect the taste of milk... Nature has made sure that the baby's digestive system gradually adapts to new products.

According to statistics, only 3-5% of babies can refuse to breast due to taste "preferences". In addition, the hormonal transformations of a woman, her lifestyle, inflammatory processes, and physical activity affect the taste and quality of breast milk to a greater extent.

You should definitely not be afraid to eat onions for those mothers who, during pregnancy, safely used it in any form.The baby will assimilate milk without problems, since these nutrients have already been supplied to him through the bloodstream, and he is used to such a diet.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat onions

If there is no individual intolerance, then it is not only possible to add it to dishes, but also necessary to diversify your diet and replenish the vitamin deficiency.

It is worth paying attention to some of the nuances of using this healthy vegetable.

In any form

Can I eat onions while breastfeeding?

In the process of prolonged heat treatment - frying, boiling - the onion loses most of its useful qualities.

Boiled, it is used as a spice to enhance the taste of the first or second courses - soups, stews, casseroles and omelets.

In a fried form, it is better not to overuse vegetables, the concentration of fat increases, carcinogens are released, and the onion itself loses its value.

The safest method is considered to be baking in the oven or cooking with onions in a slow cooker.

Which to choose

Nutritionists and pediatricians emphasize that it is better to eat green onions during lactation. It is in green feathers, in comparison with the head of onions, that there are more potassium, magnesium and vitamins.

Red varieties (Yalta, Red Baron, Retro) is sweeter than whites (Nevada, Sterling). White onions, for example, Rostov, Pogarsky, have a burning and pungent taste, it is advisable to limit its use.

Are there any alternative products that can replace it

Young garlic can replace onions - as a bactericidal property and a natural antiseptic.

Spice up soups and salads with basil seasoning. Fresh basil greens can help relieve anemia, fatigue and stress.

Parsley will replace carrots, which are not recommended for the first stages of feeding: they are equal in vitamin A content. In addition, parsley greens saturate the body with calcium, which is beneficial for the growth of baby bones.

Dill greens are a great alternative to onion feathers. A spicy, aromatic addition to decorate any dish. Moreover, dill can be included in the diet for 2-3 weeks of a child's life. Dill water, infused with seeds, is useful for colic in a child, and greens are important for the organs of vision of both mother and baby.

Onion consumption depending on the feeding period

Can I eat onions while breastfeeding?

When breastfeeding, the product is not administered immediately and in small quantities. Whether or not you can eat onions depends on your baby's age and well-being.

Important. For the prevention of viral infections, especially in the spring and autumn, it is recommended to "breathe" the onion - chop it finely, put it on a napkin and leave it in the room for a few minutes to disinfect the indoor air.

In the first month

Pediatricians warn: within 3-4 weeks after childbirth, the mother's diet should be sparing - nutritious and affordable, so as not to overload the digestive system of the mother and child.

As a rule, during this adaptation period, disturbances in the work of the intestines are considered natural in both. It is better to refrain from fresh vegetables (including onions) and fruits. The diet should contain only neutral foods - boiled and baked vegetables, cereals, kefir, light soups.

In the second month

Gradually, the baby's digestive system will stabilize its work. In the second month, you can try adding in stews small portions of onions (no more than 10-20 g for a sample). Fresh food should not be used yet, especially if the baby still has flatulence, colic.

In the third month

During the third month of the baby's life, it is recommended to still heat the onion. You can simplify the procedure - before using it, it should be finely chopped and doused with boiling water. You need to start with a minimum portion - no more than 10 g per day. It is better to use it in the first half of the day, in order to notice possible undesirable reactions (diarrhea, allergic rashes) in time.

In the fourth month

In the fourth month of life, you can gradually introduce raw onions, green feathers in salads and cold dishes.The main thing is to observe the child and notice how he transfers the new product.

If there are no problems, then the desired vegetable can be safely included in the mother's main diet in any form.

Rules for the introduction of onions into the diet of a nursing mother

Can I eat onions while breastfeeding?

To reduce the risks of negative reactions, a nursing mother should learn a few simple rules for eating green and onions. First of all is the dosage.

How often to use and in what form

After 2-3 weeks, onions can be added to soups and stews. It is heat treatment (stewing, cooking) that is important, during which most of the allergens are neutralized.

Fresh vegetables can be tried to be introduced into the diet 3.5-4 months after childbirth, green feathers can be tried a month earlier.

A trial dose of any product is important so that, if necessary, it can be "calculated" and excluded from the diet:

  • in the morning, eat 10-15 g of onions for a sample (you can season a salad or soup with it);
  • observe the baby for 12-24 hours;
  • with a positive result, the single dosage is gradually increased to the daily rate;
  • in case of intolerance (colic, poor sleep, stool change), a repeated test can be carried out after 3-4 weeks.

If you have signs of allergies (sneezing, spontaneous lacrimation, spots on the skin, hives, rashes on the body), consult a doctor immediately. Self-medication dangerous for the child's life.

Onion recipes for nursing women

The most optimal way of cooking is roasting meat and vegetables, stew with finely chopped herbs and onions.

Salads with fresh vegetables (cabbage, cucumber), meat stews, mashed potatoes and any side dish can be lightly chopped with finely chopped green onions. Chopped herbs are used to season the first courses - this is bright, piquant and healthy for a young mother.

In folk medicine, there are many useful cough syrup recipes based on a decoction of onions. Most effective suitable for nursing women at any time:

  1. Peel a medium-sized onion, chop finely, place in a small saucepan with a lid.
  2. Add 250 g of water and 150 g of sugar to the container.
  3. Simmer the syrup for 15 minutes over low heat (simmer).
  4. The method of administration is three times a day before meals.


Pediatricians recommend not to exceed the daily rate - 60-70 g of onions per day (about one small "turnip").

Green onions are allowed to use up to 60 g per day - 2 tbsp. l.

Note. The above are approximate upper bounds - each mother must independently learn to control and identify (listen to the baby's body) individual norms for the introduction of a particular product.

Cooking methods

A boiled onion itself does not cause much appetite, so it can only be boiled in soup (cut the head in half) and then removed. Thus, the vegetable broth will become more healthy and rich.

When breastfeeding, it is advisable to add onions to the diet in stewed or baked form. This method is convenient in that useful substances are preserved as much as possible and the view remains appetizing.

Contraindications and possible consequences of eating onions

The vegetable culture, both fresh and processed, has no direct contraindications. But neonatologists warn - overuse any, even the most useful product can cause a negative reaction and harm the infant's still fragile digestive system.

Can a bow harm a baby and mother?

Pickled onions and pickled vegetable salads with marinade are taboo for a nursing mother (spices and spices, vinegar can cause allergies through breast milk). For hypertensive patients, women suffering from kidney and liver diseases, such dishes are contraindicated - the fluid is retained, the pressure rises, and pyelonephritis may worsen.

Onions have a strong irritant effect, stimulates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines - the stomach secretes a large amount of gastric juice. With the existing pathologies of the stomach (acidity, ulcers, gastritis), it can cause irritation and heartburn.

Can cause allergies or colic in a child

Serious problems can be caused by soda-based okroshka, cold soups and salads with the addition of fresh onions: such a "cocktail" is fraught with "protest" in the baby's intestines.

With a tendency to malfunction of the intestines in both the mother and the baby (colic, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea), the consumption of fresh vegetables is limited to a minimum.

Attention! It is believed that with a cold a nursing mother needs to bury onion juice in her nose. We strongly DO NOT recommend practicing this method - it is dangerous! Irritating substances burn the nasal mucosa and can provoke an allergic reaction (airway swelling, congestion, choking).

Pediatrician advice

Pediatric gastroenterologists assure that acetonemic syndromes, allergic dermatitis and other somatic pathologies occur in children in early childhood as a result of intolerance to any new products. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce vegetables, herbs, fruits in the menu with natural feeding only under the supervision of a doctor who knows the peculiarities of the development of the baby and the accompanying diseases of the parents.

Pediatricians believe that "pseudo-allergy" quite often accompanies babies when they get acquainted with new food, even through breast milk. Bloating, diarrhea can be caused by lactase deficiency - a lack of an enzyme that breaks down lactose. Up to six months, an infant may experience intestinal disorders, rashes. This is a signal that the body does not accept new food and displays it in this way. In this case, consult a specialist.

Neonatologists advise to "accustom" the baby to new products gradually, according to the norms and dosage of administration, carefully monitoring the reaction.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the natural period of breastfeeding should not be accompanied by dietary restrictions and a poor diet. You can and should eat green and onions. The main thing is the gradual introduction of the vegetable and a reasonable approach. Anything that raises doubts or concerns is important to clarify with your pediatrician.

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