The best recipes on how to salt green onions for the winter quickly and easily

When making preparations for the winter, experienced housewives always stock up on green onions. This essential ingredient in many culinary dishes not only decorates food, but also serves as a source of vitamins and minerals during the cold season.

We will describe in detail how to salt green onions for the winter in the article.

Selection and preparation of the main ingredient

For the preparation of preservation, they are stocked with fresh green onions, recently harvested from the beds or purchased on the market. Raw materials intended for curling should not contain spoiled onion feathers, otherwise the risk of souring of the finished product will increase.

They choose only juicy greens - the taste of the future dish depends on its quality.

The best recipes on how to salt green onions for the winter quickly and easily

Preparing the main ingredient for conservation:

  1. Sort out the raw materials, removing broken and yellowed feathers.
  2. Rinse thoroughly with cool running water.
  3. Spread clean herbs on kitchen towels to drain off excess liquid.

When going through the bow, pay attention to its internal cavities. - there may be insect pests that will subsequently cause damage to the curls.

Other ways of harvesting green onions:

How to dry green onions for the winter at home

The best ways to store green onions

The best recipes for pickling green onions for the winter

Even a hostess without experience in canning winter preparations can salt green onions for the winter.... This process does not require special knowledge and will take a minimum of time. There are many recipes for salting these healthy herbs, where other plants from the garden bed are used as additional ingredients.

Attention! Before laying the components, the container is washed with baking soda and heated in the oven for 15 minutes.

Classic recipe in jars

The simplest recipe suggests preparing the product for the winter in its almost original form. After opening the twist, the onion can be used as a fragrant vitamin supplement in the preparation of various dishes without additional processing.

The best recipes on how to salt green onions for the winter quickly and easily


  • 1 kg green onions;
  • 200 g of coarse table salt.


  1. First, remove the bitterness from the feathers: pour the onion sprouts with boiling water.
  2. Cut them into rings.
  3. Place the raw materials in a large container and sprinkle with salt.
  4. Stir and brush with a kitchen pestle.
  5. Before the onion has time to let the juice flow, put it in a prepared container.
  6. Tamp down firmly and sprinkle with salt on top.

Place the finished curls in the refrigerator for long-term storage to avoid spoilage of the product.

With vegetable oil

To keep the onion leaves juicy and fragrant throughout the winter, it is recommended to roll them up with vegetable oil.


  • 1 kg of freshly cut onion feathers;
  • 250 g of salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the container in advance: boil the lids, sterilize the cans.
  2. Rinse the stems of the plant thoroughly, remove the remaining liquid with paper napkins.
  3. Cut the feathers, put in a deep bowl and add salt.
  4. Stir well until crystals dissolve. If you can't dissolve the salt, lightly mash the herbs with a kitchen pestle.
  5. Fill the prepared jars with the resulting mixture - spread the onions so that no voids remain.
  6. Tamp and top with vegetable oil.
  7. Cap the jars and store them in a cool, dark place.

Read also:

How to properly grow green onions on a windowsill

Technology of planting and growing onions in a package without land

Calorie content, benefits and harms of green onions

Salted green onions with herbs

In the cold season, when you want to pamper yourself with something fresh and healthy in summer, an excellent solution would be to prepare a whole vitamin bouquet for the winter.

The best recipes on how to salt green onions for the winter quickly and easily

Components for a vegetable mix:

  • 500 g of onion feathers;
  • 300 g parsley;
  • 400 g dill;
  • 500 g cilantro;
  • 250 g of salt.


  1. Go through, rinse and dry the greens.
  2. Pour cold water into a deep container and dissolve 50 g of salt in it.
  3. Soak the greens in the prepared solution for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Remove it from the liquid and let it drain completely onto a waffle towel.
  5. Chop the herbs, transfer everything to a deep bowl and add 200 g of salt.
  6. Stir and fill the pre-prepared jars with the mixture to half their height, press down firmly and fill the remaining space.
  7. Tamp it tightly, freeing up some more space, cover with a thin layer of salt and close the lids.

In its own juice

To keep salted onions fresh and aromatic for a longer time, it is recommended to roll them in their own juice for the winter.


  • 2.5 kg of onion leaves;
  • 400 g of salt.

Method for making a healthy twist:

  1. Go through, rinse and dry the greens.
  2. Cut very finely with a well-sharpened knife. This will promote the release of the maximum amount of juice.
  3. Sprinkle the chopped food with salt and let it sit for 30 minutes.
  4. Arrange the onions in the cans prepared in advance, not reaching the bend of the 2 cm can.
  5. Carefully and vigorously crush the mixture with a cooking pestle to create as much liquid as possible. The onion should be dipped in its own juice.
  6. Refill the jars and seal them securely.

Such preservation is stored at the lowest possible temperatures.

The best recipes on how to salt green onions for the winter quickly and easily

Storage of green onion blanks

Store onion blanks exclusively in the refrigerator, since one of the main components in all of the above recipes is salt. It cannot be considered a full-fledged preservative - salt cannot guarantee high-quality storage of green onion feathers in basements and storerooms. An unsuitable environment will contribute to the occurrence of putrefaction and the appearance of unwanted mold.

Salty the product is kept fresh in the refrigerator at + 5 ... + 10 ° С for 6 months... In the freezer at a temperature of –8… –20 ° C, the workpiece remains fresh for up to 12 months. If green onions are pickled, then the shelf life under conditions similar to the storage of a salted product is from 2 weeks to 6 months. Feathers processed at + 5 ... + 10 ° C will remain in excellent condition for a whole year.

Attention! If you use vinegar in your recipes, the shelf life of the product is automatically extended by 2 months. But at the same time, the twist can lose some of its useful properties.


Keeping onions for the winter at home is not a difficult task. Salted blanks are prepared quickly, and with full compliance with the technology, they absolutely do not lose their beneficial properties.

Depending on the chosen preparation method and temperature storage conditions, the shelf life of the product varies from 6 months to 1 year.

2 comment
  1. Avatar

    And for-th-ee-e-m salt it (green onions I mean) if it is quite available in ANY grocery store AND AT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR ?????

    • Andrey Palych
      Andrey Palych

      Cucumbers and tomatoes are also available, but they are salted for some reason)

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