What to do if the onion rots during storage and in the garden

Rotting onions is a common cause of crop spoilage both during winter storage and during growth.

In this article, you will find the answer to the question why onions are poorly stored, and also learn what to do if the onions rot in the garden or in the cellar.

The main causes of rotting onions

The reasons for onion rot are non-compliance with storage conditions, the use of contaminated planting material, violation of the rules for collection and preparation for storage. Let's consider each in more detail.

What to do if the onion rots during storage and in the garden

Waterlogged soil

Excessive moisture is detrimental to planting during the growth period and during the digging and storage of the vegetable. Excessively damp soil provokes the development of fungal diseases during the growing season. Heads dug out of wet soil are more difficult to dry properly and, therefore, to save in the future.

Violation of the rules of crop rotation

Failure to comply with the rules of crop rotation is another common reason for the appearance of foci of rot. Growing onions from year to year in the same place leads to the accumulation of pathogens and pests of bulbous crops in the soil. As a result, the affected heads rot before they mature.

Violation of dosage when applying fertilizers

Excessive nitrogen content slows down turnip growth and reduces plant resistance to fungal diseases.

Council. When applying dressings, observe the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. An excess of nutrients, in particular nitrogen, is detrimental to garden crops.

Watering the area with a solution of wood ash will help restore balance.

Use of contaminated planting material

If the seed used for sowing was infected, it is likely to lead to disease and damage to the crop. Therefore, planting material should be purchased only from trusted manufacturers and additionally disinfected before sowing.

Late harvest

What to do if the onion rots during storage and in the garden

Harvesting on time is another important condition for its safety. If the bulbs are dug up too early in the garden, the necks will be damp and will not dry out before being stored. If you delay harvesting, the bulbs will start to deteriorate in the ground, especially in wet weather.

Incorrect storage

Why does onion rot during storage? This happens if several infected bulbs got into the mass of healthy bulbs, from which the rot spread to neighboring... Or the vegetables were not sufficiently dried before being placed in the cellar.

Violation of storage conditions also leads to damage to the crop. The optimum storage temperature for heads is from +1 to + 5 ° C.

Damage to bulbs by pests

Heads infected with, for example, a nematode, quickly begin to rot during storage. Due to the small size of the pest, it is difficult to detect by visual inspection, therefore, infected vegetables often end up in storage.

Spoilage of onions during growth in the garden

What to do if the onion rots during storage and in the garden

If during the next examination you find yellowed feathers, make sure that the heads have not started to rot from the inside. If the bulb is soft, watery and smells unpleasant, then it is rotting.

They begin to solve the problem by determining the cause of the appearance of rot.

Violation of the irrigation regime

Too frequent watering, especially in combination with rainy weather and the location of the beds in the lowlands, lead to decay.

The solution will be active watering, carried out only at the beginning of the growing season. After the formation of the bulbs, watering is reduced, and a month before harvesting, they stop altogether.

Excess nitrogen in the soil

Excessive concentration of nitrogen fertilizers provokes softening of the tissues of the bulb and the development of putrefactive infections.

The solution is to comply with the norms when applying fertilizers. If a problem occurs, the soil is washed with a solution of wood ash.

Fusarium rot of the bottom

The causative agent of the infection lives in the soil. First, it strikes the feather, then provokes rotting of the bottom.

The infection can spread to neighboring plants, so the affected specimens are removed from the garden. Crop rotation helps fight the spread of the disease. Onions are planted in their original place only after 3-4 years.

Cervical rot

Fungal disease that develops with high humidity. It manifests itself in the form of mold. The diseased plant takes on a slimy, soft appearance and gives off an unpleasant odor.

To prevent, the rules of prevention are followed: planting is placed in a high, sunny place and maintains optimal soil moisture.

Onion fly

The larvae of the pest eat the tissues of the plant, causing it to rot and die.

To fight with parasite spraying with infusion of ash, tobacco dust and ground pepper helps. Protecting the onion beds with covering material during the fly's summer will prevent the pest from laying eggs on the beds.

Stem nematode

Small wormeating onion juice. It reproduces by laying eggs in plant tissues. Affected tissues become friable, rot and acquire an unpleasant odor.

The appearance of the parasite is prevented by observing crop rotation and sowing healthy seed. Immediately before planting, the seedlings are soaked in a solution of the "Fitosporin-M" preparation for 20-30 minutes (38 g of substance per 10 l of water).

Causes of damage during storage

What to do if the onion rots during storage and in the garden

The causes of decay during storage are in violation of the harvesting technology and storage conditions, insufficient drying of the bulbs before laying in storage.

Dig up vegetables in dry, sunny weather. The bulbs are harvested carefully so as not to damage. They clean the ground from them, carefully examine them, remove the damaged ones.

Selected vegetables are dried in a dry, ventilated place for several days. If you properly prepare the crop for storage, rot will not appear.

Storing vegetables in one large pile makes it difficult to ventilate and shortens maturation time. Store dried onions in small boxes or cardboard boxes. A layer of 25-30 cm is poured into each box. Holes are made in the side walls for air access.

Weaving onion heads into braids is a time-tested storage method. The wicker bow has a decorative look, it is well ventilated, and it is also so convenient to inspect it for damage. Braids can be stored in the kitchen for 1-2 months.

Read also:

What to do if potatoes rot in the cellar, why is this happening.

Why does pepper rot on the bush: identifying the cause of the problem.

Why does the pumpkin rot in the garden, what to do with this problem.

Prevention of the appearance of rot during storage

In order to avoid spoilage of onion stocks, the heads from time to time are inspected and those that have begun to deteriorate are removed.

Council. For winter storage, lay sharp varieties of onions. They are the ones that last the longest.

Only hard and dry heads are sent to the store, completely protected by dry scales.What to do if the onion rots during storage and in the garden

For long-term storage for several months, a cellar or basement with a temperature of +1 to + 5 ° C is suitable. The optimum moisture content is 50-75%.

Another secret for long-term, loss-free storage is head sorting by size. Medium bulbs last the longest, large and small are more susceptible to spoilage.

How to preserve onions if they start to rot? Carefully sort and place healthy heads in clean, dry boxes. Remove all bulbs with the slightest signs of rot.


The appearance of foci of rot is the main cause of crop losses during the cultivation and storage of onions. Pre-sowing treatment of seedlings, adherence to the technology of growing crops and thorough drying of the bulbs before laying them for winter storage will help to avoid problems.

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