Onion or hairstyle onion - what is Rocambol garlic and how to grow it correctly and use it wisely

Bow and garlic Are unchanged ingredients of almost any national cuisine. These aromatic condiments enhance the flavor of the food and give it a spicy note. However, for the same reason, some people refuse garlic: it is unpleasant when your breath has a "spicy note". The problem is easily solved by replacing garlic with garlic onions. It combines the properties of both vegetables, and its taste and aroma are much softer.

Meet: rocamboll onion - description, useful properties, features, rules of cultivation and use.

Garlic flavored onion

Rocambol has several names. It is called onion, hairstyle, Egyptian onion, Spanish garlic, wild garlic.

Onion rocambol combines the properties of two vegetables. This applies to both its appearance and taste. Two-year-old heads resemble large garlic, can reach a mass of 300 g. In the first year after planting the cloves, the root crop looks more like an onion and is not divided into cloves.

The flowers of the plant resemble purple balls, exactly the same inflorescences appear in onions. The ground part of the garlic resembles a powerful leek.

Reference! Rocambol was originally a wild plant. Therefore, it can be found not only in gardens and vegetable gardens, but also in meadows and meadows.

Photo of rockambol:

Onions or hairstyles - what is Rocambol garlic and how to grow it correctly and use it wisely

Origin story and interesting facts

It is believed that the birthplace of rockambol is Central Asia. There it has been actively used for the preparation of fish and meat dishes for several hundred years. In the 18th century, it began to be actively cultivated in the Mediterranean countries, in the North Caucasus and in Europe. The first mentions of the hairstyle in Russia appeared in 1877. But until now, in our country, this vegetable is considered exotic.

Interesting! The ancient Egyptians attributed magical properties and divine origin to all plants from the onion genus. Rocumball was widely used by this great civilization during its heyday.

Varieties of scallop

Rocambol has long been appreciated by agricultural technicians. New varieties of this culture were also developed by Russian breeders. Domestic varieties of garlic are distinguished by the fact that they can be planted even in the coldest regions.

Rockamboll varieties:

  1. Elephant rockambol. The average bulb reaches 200 g. One root vegetable can contain up to 7 cloves.
  2. Janissary... Root weight - up to 100 g.
  3. Pearl... One head of garlic weighs 50 g. The taste is sharper than the previous versions.

All presented varieties are frost-resistant. They are great for growing in the central regions of Russia. Classic rocumball is more thermophilic, but it reaches a large size.

Features of a hairstyle bow

Rocambol has the qualities of both onions and garlic. At the same time, it is different from these cultures.

Rockumball features:

  • big size;
  • less pungent taste and less pronounced odor than garlic;
  • onion and garlic aroma;
  • the ground part looks like a leek, and it tastes like garlic.
  • reproduces by bulbs formed on the base of the heads.

Onions or hairstyles - what is Rocambol garlic and how to grow it correctly and use it wisely

Characteristics of the vegetable

To understand whether it is worth growing rocumball, you should familiarize yourself with its impressive characteristics.

Description of rocamboll garlic:

Parameters Indicators
Root vegetable Large. It can reach 200-300 g in size. In some cases, the heads can grow up to 400 g. One head contains from 5 to 7 teeth. Garlic-onion taste, soft. On the cut, the pulp is beige.
Aboveground part The stalk is powerful and thick, reaching a height of 80 cm. Light green leaves are long (up to 60 cm) and wide. They have a garlic taste and smell. Up to 9 leaves are formed on one plant. The onion throws out arrows 1 m high with small lilac flowers collected in a large ball.
Reproduction The inflorescences do not produce seeds. The culture propagates by bulbs that form at the base of the head. On average, from 10 to 15 bulbs grow on one rockumbol head, each of which weighs 2-4 g. The bulbs are covered with a dense shell.
Landing dates Rocambol can be planted in spring or winter. In the first year, a large onion, not divided into cloves, is formed from the children. In the second year, it lasts for cloves, taking the shape of a head of garlic.

Root composition

Onion contains proteins, carbohydrates, allicin, germanium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, calcium, zinc, sodium, sulfides, vitamins A, B, PP, E and C, iron, phytoncides, carotene, essential oils.

The calorie content of 100 g of garlic is 149 kcal. This amount of root crops accounts for 6.4 g of protein, 31 g of carbohydrates, 0.5 g of fat.

Hairstyle onions have choleretic, antimicrobial, antiviral, immunomodulatory, vasodilating, blood thinning and anthelmintic effects. By consuming Rocambol, you can cleanse the body of toxins and improve digestion.

How to plant Rocumball

Rocambol is an easy crop to grow. Onions can be planted in any region of our country. It easily takes root in the open field and does not require special care.

Soil preparation

To get a high-quality harvest of garlic onions, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil for planting it.Rules for preparing the soil for planting rockambol:

  1. A piece of land on which legumes, zucchini, cabbage, radish, rapeseed, cucumbers or rye were previously grown is suitable for the garlic.
  2. It is better to plant onion in a well-lit, not darkened place.
  3. At least two months before planting, it is necessary to dig up the ground and enrich it with humus, ash and manure.

Preparation of planting material

Onion or hairstyle onion - what is Rocambol garlic and how to grow it correctly and use it wiselyIn order for all planting material to germinate, it must be properly stored. Before planting, it is prepared, preventing the infection of Rocumball with plant diseases and accelerating the appearance of the first shoots:

  1. Daughter bulbs are sorted by size. The larger they are, the larger the scallop heads will turn out.
  2. Store the bulbs for planting in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 25 degrees.
  3. Bulbous planting material is released from the hard shell. So it will be easier for him to germinate. Such events are not performed with teeth.
  4. Before planting, the barnacle is placed in a place with a temperature of 0 degrees. Having kept it there for 21 days, the planting material is taken out into the sun. This will allow the rockambol to quickly adapt to new conditions in the garden.
  5. Before planting in the ground, the bulbs are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to soak the planting material in it for 12 hours.

Important! Planting and leaving the rockumbol is similar to growing garlic. However, this culture is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and frost resistance.

Planting onion garlic

You can plant the garlic at different times of the year. The basic rules for placing planting material in the ground do not depend on this:

  1. Dig trenches 25 cm wide. Moisten the soil. The distance between the rows can vary from 10 to 20 cm.
  2. Spread the rockumball bulbs at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  3. Fill the trenches with soil without tamping it.

The timing of planting depends on how soon the rockambol will yield a harvest. You can plant onion flies in spring, autumn and winter.

Onion or hairstyle onion - what is Rocambol garlic and how to grow it correctly and use it wisely

Into the winter

According to gardeners, namely winter onion gives the largest yield. It is possible to plant rockambol in this way in any region of our country.

At least 2 months before work, you need to prepare the beds. Planting of garlic is carried out 14 days before the start of the first frost. During this time, the planting material will have time to take root, but will not germinate.

The depth of the trench should be 30 cm. Place the compost on the bottom of the groove. The thickness of this layer should be within 7 cm.

Mulching when planting garlic in winter is mandatory. This will protect it from freezing. Hay, dry leaves or compost are used as mulch.

For autumn

If you plant onion flies in the fall, then the next year they will turn into large heads, divided into teeth. In this case, planting material is placed in the soil in September.

When planting in autumn, dig trenches 10 cm deep. After planting, it is advisable to mulch the hairstyle.

In the spring

Work begins as soon as it becomes possible to dig up the soil. Onion is not afraid of frost and germinates at a temperature of 5 degrees.

For spring planting, the depth of the trenches should be 10 cm. Before planting the plants, it must be well moistened. Mulching the beds is not necessary.

Culture care

Rocumball care rules:

  1. Watering. Hairstyle onion is a moisture-loving plant. Water it abundantly and regularly, preventing the soil from drying out. You need to use settled water for these purposes.
  2. Loosening. You need to loosen the ground after each watering and rain. This will prevent the formation of an earth crust that impedes normal air exchange.
  3. Top dressing. Be sure to feed the garlic twice a season. The first feeding with nitrogenous fertilizers is carried out during the period of the appearance of the first seedlings... The second time the culture is fertilized with phosphorus-potassium compounds during the formation of the bulbs.

Onions or hairstyles - what is Rocambol garlic and how to grow it correctly and use it wisely

What difficulties can you face

In order for the rockambol to grow up healthy and delight you with large heads, watch the condition: any changes are signs that the culture is missing something.

The quality of the garlic harvest depends largely on the composition of the soil. If the greens have become withered and turned yellow ahead of time, additional feeding is necessary. Use special fertilizers for onions and garlic.

Conditions required for cultivation hairstyle, ideal for weeds. Therefore, weeding the beds with rockumbol is required.

The arrows with the inflorescences that the plant produces are beautiful but useless. They do not contain viable seeds, but take nutrients from root crops. Therefore, they need to be removed.

What diseases and pests are the hairstyle susceptible to?

There are not many diseases and pests in the world that can infect garlic. But you will still have to protect the crop from some of them:

  1. Fusarium... It is expressed in the form of rotting of the bottom and roots of the radionata. Caused by a fungus. The reasons for the appearance are considered to be improper care of plants and damage to root crops by insects. Garlic and onions cannot be planted on the beds affected by this disease for several years.
  2. Root mite... In most cases, it affects the already harvested onion, leading to its drying out. To prevent its appearance, dry the crop well and promptly remove rotten and damaged heads.
  3. Onion fly. This pest enters the bulb through the bottom and eats it out from the inside. Sprinkle a mixture of tobacco, ash, and black pepper over the beds once a week to prevent it from forming.

Harvesting and storage of crops

Onion or hairstyle onion - what is Rocambol garlic and how to grow it correctly and use it wiselyCollect the rocumball when its greens begin to turn yellow and dry. You should not postpone the moment of digging out the crop, as this can lead to scattering of the heads into the teeth right in the ground.

Untimely extraction of onion from the ground will reduce its shelf life.

Dig up the crop carefully so as not to damage it or detach any bulbs suitable for later planting. The soil from the heads is cleaned by hand so as not to damage them.

After harvesting, the ground part from the heads should not be separated. She will increase keeping quality onion. The vegetables are tied in bunches or braided and hung to dry.

Check the garlic regularly. Remove damaged and rotten heads from the total mass. It is best to store Rocambol in boxes.

Where is it used?

The use of rockumball is extensive. It is also used in cooking and traditional medicine.

Onion is suitable for preparing hot and cold dishes. They can successfully replace both onions and garlic. In Asian cuisine, it is often added to fish and meat dishes.

In Siberia, the taste of pickled and salted rockambol was appreciated. They say that in this form it resembles a caper.

In folk medicine, rockambol is used to treat colds and viral diseases, gastritis and hypertension. Eating a vegetable every day prevents liver cancer, lowers cholesterol, and improves skin and hair condition.

Benefits of the variety

The advantages of rockumball:

  • large heads;
  • a large number of useful trace elements in the composition;
  • despite its similarity to garlic, it has a milder taste and aroma;
  • easy to clean;
  • unpretentious in cultivation;
  • reproduces successfully in a vegetative way.

Onion or hairstyle onion - what is Rocambol garlic and how to grow it correctly and use it wisely

Farmers reviews

In our country, rockambol is still poorly distributed. Moreover, everyone who tried to grow this vegetable was satisfied with the result.

Irina Belova, Samara: “For several years now, instead of garlic, I have been growing rockambol. No more fuss with him, but his taste is more pleasant. It is milder and has no characteristic odor in the mouth after it, but the beneficial properties are the same. I like very much that the heads and teeth are huge. "

Chernousov Roma, Kursk: “I liked the Egyptian bow very much. Great taste and head size. I didn't face any difficulties in growing. "


Rocambol is a cross between onions and garlic. Its surface part resembles a leek, and its underground part resembles large garlic. The vegetable contains all the most useful trace elements from both crops.

Onion is of wild origin, therefore does not require special care. Growing this exotic vegetable can be easily handled by a novice gardener.

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