
What is currant anthracnose and how to deal with this disease

A competent gardener regularly inspects his property in order to notice the appearance of diseases or pests in time. The detection of dark or red spots on currant leaves, similar to ulcers, indicates an infection of the shrubs with anthracnose. To ...

Gooseberry compatibility with currants and other crops in the garden

Gooseberry (lat.Ribes uva-crispa) is not a capricious plant, but in order to increase yields, it is important to choose a suitable environment for it. Experienced gardeners know that closeness to certain cultures contributes to their correct and ...

How and how to feed currants after harvest in July

Berries of red, black and white currants ripen by the end of June. They are good fresh and processed, used for making juices and jams. To collect rich and delicious ...

How to properly prune currants in the summer and what is it for

Sprawling currant bushes quickly lose their shape without proper attention. Thickened plantings become an ideal breeding ground for fungi and insects. Lateral shoots without pruning grow so much that they close the central branches from ...

Step-by-step guide to propagating currant cuttings in summer

Reproduction of currants is a laborious process. One way to get new berry bushes is to cut mature, healthy plants. For this they use green or lignified shoots, pre-cut them from fruitful bushes and root them. Consider ...

Why currants dry with berries and what to do about it

Ripening of currants begins in June and lasts until August. Most gardeners grow several bushes at once - with red and black berries. Currant is distinguished not only by its bright taste, but also by its useful composition, especially ...

How to make tea from currant leaves and how it is useful for the body

More and more people are turning to natural remedies to boost their immunity and well-being. One of them is tea made from currant leaves. A properly prepared drink brings invaluable benefits to the human body. Let's figure it out ...

How and what to feed currants in June: the best fertilizers and the rules for their introduction

Currants are not only black, white and red, but even yellow, purple and orange. This is one of the most common berry crops in the plots of Russian gardeners. At the same time, get a harvest of large ...

Why currant leaves curl and what to do with it

Often, gardeners are faced with a problem when, during the fruiting period, currant leaves curl, quickly lose color, dry out and fall off. This means that crop losses are inevitable. To save the bush, it is important to find out ...

Rules for caring for gooseberries after harvest in July and August

Early gooseberries ripen in early June, mid-ripening - in mid or late July, late - in August. To make the plant healthy and productive, summer residents take care of it not only before picking berries, ...

