
A selection of the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground in the Moscow region and tips for their selection

In 2018, Russia ranked 4th in the world in terms of the number of cucumbers grown. Almost any domestic gardener allocates part of the site for planting this vegetable crop. The plant is unpretentious in care, gives ...

What is the yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse from 1 square meter and how to increase it

How many cucumbers can you pick from your greenhouse garden? What varieties to use and what to do to increase the yield? You will find the answers to these questions below. We will tell you in detail how many kilograms you can collect ...

How easy and delicious to prepare pickled watermelons for the winter in jars without sterilization

The mistress pickles the juicy pulp of the hostess's watermelons to replenish the supply of vitamins in the winter. Such blanks delight with unusual taste combinations and a special aroma. So, watermelons marinated for the winter in jars without sterilization ...

How to cook Nizhyn cucumbers for the winter: salad recipes according to GOST and other cooking options

In the middle of summer, the cucumber season starts. Cucumbers of various varieties and hybrids with yellow flowers on the tips delight the eyes of gardeners and add pleasant hassle to the housewives. You need to have time to salt, pickle, crumble, ...

Iodine and brilliant green rush to the rescue: the secrets of processing cucumbers for a better harvest

Growing an environmentally friendly and healthy crop on your site is not an easy task. Almost all garden crops, including cucumbers, are susceptible to a number of fungal infections. Some growers ...

How to deliciously prepare watermelons for the winter in jars: recipes with photos and step-by-step instructions

Watermelon is always a welcome guest on any table. Since the culture does not bear fruit for long, and you want to enjoy the fresh taste of watermelon, and not only during the harvest season, the housewives harvest sugar fruits for ...

How to be and what to do if cucumber leaves wither in a greenhouse: recipes for processing

The wilting of cucumber leaves, ovaries and whole lashes upset novice and experienced growers. Despite the same symptoms - loss of elasticity by the vegetative part, the reasons, as well as ways to correct the situation, may differ. Consider ...

Recipe for a delicious winter snack: crispy pickled cucumbers with vodka

Pickled cucumbers are one of the most favorite preserves, and vodka, in addition to the status of the main drink of all Russian feasts, has the properties of a preservative. For this reason, preparations from cucumbers with vodka have taken root in culinary ...

The most delicious crispy canned cucumber recipes from experienced housewives

Fragrant, crunchy canned cucumbers are one of the main preparations for the winter for every housewife. They are served to the table with any side dishes instead of fresh vegetables and added to many dishes - ...

Recipes for delicious preparations of cucumbers with lemon for the winter in liter jars

Canned cucumbers with vinegar will surprise no one for a long time. Another thing is crispy, spicy and incredibly tasty cucumbers with lemon. They will be a suitable appetizer for hot dishes, an addition to salads and ...

