
How to use phytophthora serum on tomatoes: we fight the disease effectively, quickly and on a budget

Tomatoes (tomatoes) are one of the most popular agricultural crops in our country. These vegetables are unpretentious to care for, but at the same time, they are periodically affected by various diseases. One of the most common ...

Why green tomatoes fall in the greenhouse: we quickly determine the cause and effectively fight it

Falling ovaries of green tomatoes is a headache for many vegetable growers. This problem speaks of a lack of plant care. What can be done to save the harvest and prevent the fruits from completely falling off before ...

How, when and what to feed the seedlings of peppers and tomatoes for a rich harvest

Vegetables need not only comfortable conditions for growth, but also food. Immunity, productivity, ripening rate and fruit quality depend on the completeness of the diet and the timeliness of fertilizing. Proper nutrition for the plant is better ...

How to prepare a boric acid solution for tomato ovary: proportions and instructions for processing tomatoes

Almost every summer resident grows tomatoes; this is one of the most popular garden crops. Many successfully grow them on a windowsill or on a balcony. To get a full-fledged juicy harvest, you need to observe not ...

How to water tomatoes to blush faster: the best top dressing for tomatoes and life hacks to accelerate ripening

Every gardener wants to get a rich harvest of red, large and tasty tomatoes. But many novice farmers in the process of growing do not find an answer to the question of why tomatoes in a greenhouse do not turn red. To ...

Rules for feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse: what fertilizers and when to use to get a rich harvest

Tomatoes are one of the finest vegetable crops. This fact is of particular relevance when plants are cultivated indoors, that is, in a greenhouse. Greenhouse tomatoes need a complete top dressing - a complex ...

What to do to make tomatoes in the greenhouse turn red faster: the best tricks and life hacks of experienced summer residents

Due to the high content of the "happiness hormone" - serotonin - tomatoes improve mood as well as chocolate. They are beneficial for heart health, youthful skin and strong bones. Almost every summer resident grows them - ...

How effective is Trichopolum in the fight against late blight?

Summer residents do not always manage to create the necessary conditions for growing healthy tomatoes. Many factors provoke the appearance of diseases. One of the most common is late blight or late blight. Tomatoes are most susceptible to fungus in the open field, ...

We save the affected crop of tomatoes or how to save tomatoes from late blight if they are already sick

Late blight is a problem familiar to most gardeners. This fungal disease annually threatens the harvest of many plants: potatoes, peppers, eggplants and other plantings. Among them are tomatoes. Appearing on one ...

How to store tomatoes so that they turn red: accelerate ripening and keep the vegetable fresh for a long time

Every novice gardener is interested in the question of how to properly collect more green tomatoes so that they quickly ripen at home. After all, planting and growing tomatoes is only half the battle. In the article you will find ...

