
Rescue with copper wire from late blight on tomatoes - myth or reality: full analysis

Late blight is a disease that annually destroys crops in hundreds of sites. The disease is especially dangerous for nightshade crops, including tomatoes. To save tomatoes, gardeners use many ways and even such ...

How to feed tomato seedlings so that there are plump stems and how to do it right

The key to obtaining a bountiful harvest of tomatoes is competent and timely feeding of seedlings. Thanks to the use of fertilizers according to special schemes, the stems will become more powerful, which in the future will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the fruit. How to feed ...

We form bushes correctly: do undersized tomatoes stepchild and which varieties do not require this stage

Despite the abundance of tomatoes in stores and markets, many people continue to grow tomatoes on their own. And this is understandable - your products from the garden are both tastier and healthier. Some gardeners prefer ...

We fight the popular tomato disease with folk methods: how to treat tomatoes with iodine from late blight

It is offensive and unpleasant when plant diseases nullify all the efforts of summer residents. Late blight is one of the most dangerous diseases of garden crops. It seems that nothing will interfere with the harvest, but ...

Why spots appear on tomato leaves and how to deal with them

The appearance of spots on tomatoes is an alarming signal about the development of a disease or other negative changes that adversely affect the health of the seedling. In no case should this moment be missed: upon detection ...

What to do if yellow spots appear on the leaves of tomatoes: we diagnose the cause and effectively fight it

The yellowing of tomato leaves can be a natural physiological process of the plant. For example, the normal reaction of seedlings to transplanting in a greenhouse or open ground. However, a change in the color of the tops often indicates the presence of problems: errors ...

We figure out what to do if the tomatoes burned out in the greenhouse - how to save your crop

The greenhouse helps to get an early harvest of many vegetables, including tomatoes. But even in a special room with all the conditions, the gardener is not insured against crop loss due to the heat. Growing vegetables in the southern regions is fraught with ...

How and what to treat tomatoes from late blight in the open field: top best remedies and rules for spraying tomatoes

Late blight is one of the most common tomato diseases. It is caused by the late blight fungus. The entire ground part of diseased plants, including fruits, are covered with brown spots. The leaves begin to wither, and the berries - ...

We will tell and show you how to keep tomatoes fresh for a long time: interesting life hacks from experienced owners

Tomatoes are one of the most sought-after foods in the world. This vegetable is found in almost every kitchen. The housewives prepare delicious and healthy salads, winter preparations from it. Tomatoes contain vitamins ...

Use of boric acid for plants: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and other crops

Boric acid for plants in the garden and in the garden is used as an algicide, fungicide, herbicide and insecticide. This means that boron damages many types of pests, weeds, fungi, and mold. Besides, ...

